It's All A Dream

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It has been the third day since she gain conscious.Her past memories are flooding in her mind, from time to time. Her mom who would always drop by and paid a visit. Her father couldn't come along due to his sickness. He was too ill to get off from the bed. Since she was bored of staying in bed, she would tell stories to the nurse about the man whom she. But the nurse just told her the truth though she's interested in listening to Ji Hyo's story.

"Patient... You must be dreaming. You had been in a coma for two months, and the man that you mentioned never turned up to visit you." The nurse explained.

She didn't believe what does the nurse said. About her memories about him, she just remember his appearance, and his smile. As for the rest about his characteristics and identity, she completely forgotten about it. She wanted to find that mysterious person, but she barely had an idea on how to find him.

While she on bed, flipping on the pages of the magazine to kill time, her mind wandered. She was getting curious why the victim who she knocked on never came over and asked her to pay for the bills and so on. She didn't want to stay on bed while wait for the person to come over. She just know that he should be admitted on the same hospital, if she's here. She tried to stand with her both feet. Due to her long period of staying on bed, her feet wasn't strong enough to handle her weight. She whined in pain as she fell on the ground.

She looked around and her eyes laid on the clutch, which was just next to her bed. She straightened her arms and held it to supported her balance. She walked with a slow moving out from her room. After a while, there's a young nurse who saw Ji Hyo who seemed to have trouble in walking with clutch. "Patient... Are you alright? You seem to be struggling." The nurse asked while holding her as a little support.

"I just wanted to go to the counter.."

"Please let me help you, patient. Ji Hyo just nodded and accept the nurse's help. "Do you need some drink? I could get one for you too." The nurse asked again after she lead the way to the counter.

"Just water please." Ji Hyo gave a smile.

"Alright.. Wait here then." The nurse walked off to the water dispenser and passed a cup of drinking water to Ji Hyo.

"Hello patient.. How can I help you?" The nurse Number 1 asked politely.

"May I know who was the one involved in the accident two months ago??" I believe that I knocked on a car from the opposite lane.

"I beg your pardon??" The Nurse Number 1 asked.

"I had an accident last two months. And I knocked on a car which came from the opposite lane. I wish to know who's the victim of the accident."

The Nurse number 1 then looked at her co-worker, since she barely know about that matter. "Sorry patient. I didn't know about it. I'm new here. Perhaps my colleagues know about it." She excused herself and spoke to her colleagues about the matter.

"Aah yes...." The Nurse Number 2 replied on Ji Hyo's question. "Is a he. Male. I'm deeply sorry but he passed on when he was on the way to the hospital. Got a major injury on his head. Pretty young he is."

"You meant the painter?? The man that you told me back then?" The Nurse Number 1 asked once more. Her co-worker nodded.

"You knew him well?" Ji Hyo asked with a surprise.

"Not really, but he came by frequently and spend some time with those sick kids. He's only 24... I believe that his birthday falls on a day after the accident occurred."

Ji Hyo started to felt sorry for his death. If it wasn't because of the foul break, this accident wouldn't happen. And he would be still alive, breathing in this world. "I'm sorry for that. Is there anywhere I can contact his family? I owe them an apology for their terrible loss."

"I'm afraid there isn't. His record had shown that he came from an orphanage. His parents died when he was still young." The Nurse Number 2 mentioned sadly.

She didn't know what else to do. She just felt guilty for causing his death. "By any chance, do you know his name? Perhaps I should pay him a visit."

"Well... None of us knew what's his name actually. When we asked, he just mentioned his nickname. I guess that's because he's a tall lanky man. What was funny that he never like any of us to know his name."

"And what's his nickname?" Ji Hyo spoke.

"Gilin.." The two nurses answered at the same time.

"Gilin... It sounds so familiar to me." Ji Hyo spoke to herself.

"His death certificate should be recorded in here. Please wait for a moment." The Nurse Number 1 key into her monitor. It only taken a few seconds that she founded the record. "Yeah.. It's stated here. Kwang Soo."

There was a paused. She looked at the nurse once more and asked. That name was so familiar, and it hit in her mind. "I beg your pardon? What's his name again?"

"Kwang soo... Lee Kwang Soo is his name." The Nurse Number 1 went paused, seeing Ji Hyo who seemed sick after finding out the other victim. "Patient-ssi are you alright??You seemed pale."

She stunted for a moment. The memories in her dream had reappeared in her mind. The way how they both met, and till the time when he told her that it's time for her to face the reality world. They both just met, through dreams. The glass of water then fell from Ji Hyo's grip. The liquid splattered on the floor.

"It can't be him... Probably just someone else who got the same name." Her heart felt even sore that her eyes were filled with tears. "Cc-Can I have a look at his picture? Please....." Ji Hyo asked with a stumble voice. The nurse sensed that something went odd on Ji Hyo. She just nod and shown the computer screen to her. It was the man. The same man that appeared in her dream.

"Nooo... It can't be. Not him..." She covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn't believe that the man who she wanted to meet with, had left.

"Patient.. You got to control your feelings. You just woke up not long ago." Nurse Number 2 confronted her.

"No.. My Kwang Soo! You can't do this to me~" She dropped the clutch and fell on the ground weakly. Her chest began to hurt terribly, gasping for air.

"Patient-ssi! Go get the doctor now!" The nurse ran towards Ji Hyo while instructed the others to get some help.

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