txt [24]

511 45 15

Sonja- are you nervous??

Martha- For what?

Sonja- the car races are tomorrow! have you forgotten?

Martha- They are??

Sonja- yes.

Martha- Oh. I completely forgot about the car..

Sonja- how far does it go again?

Martha- I think 6 meters

Sonja- k

Sonja- so what's up

Martha- Nothing really. Tom told me to get a Tumblr account so I did.

Martha- Jordan was right about it being addictive

Sonja- xD

Sonja- what's your url??

Martha- MarthaTheMystic

Sonja- oo i like that

Sonja- brb im going to follow you

Martha- Alright.

Sonja- omf how long have you been on tumblr

Martha- A few hours..

Sonja- you're already turning

Sonja- i followed you btw

Martha- Are you 'FireFoxx'?

Sonja- indeed

Martha- I like it!

Sonja- thank

Martha- Does Tom and Jordan have a Tumblr account?

Sonja- yes

Martha- Can you tell me their url?

Sonja- toms is Syndicate and jordans is CaptainSparklez

Martha- Alright. Thanks!

Sonja- np

Martha- Can I ttyl? I'm reading something on here.

Sonja- what are you reading..?

Martha- Something Tom reblogged.

Sonja- oh no

Martha- What's smut?



Martha- No?

Sonja- you have so much to learn

Martha- Can I read it?

Sonja- uh

Sonja- go ahead

Sonja- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Martha- Okay..?

Sonja- after you read it tell me your favorite part

Sonja- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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