Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (Gets Better Promise)

His hand struck my face with such force that it hit the side of the television. The pain jolted from the side of my cheekbone to my entire face within about 30 seconds. He was still standing over me with a smug grin from causing pain to his daughter. I didn't cry. I should have, but I didn't because if I did he would be disappointed and so would my mother. I'm not going to show that I am a girl, I'm supposed to be the boy my father always wanted. I know that what he's doing is bad but I keep trying to convince myself that he's only trying to make me stronger. That also is the reason why I don't tell anyone what he does to me because he would only hurt me more and if I lose him, I don't have anyone else.

My mom died a year and a half ago. My sister is a stuck up brat and hates me just as much as my father. I don't have any friends. But I feel like I have my brother but I haven't seen him in three years. He's off in the world living his dream of being a drummer. He doesn't care about me, cause if he did he would have rescued me already.Even if I can't tell him he's suppose to know somthing is wrong.I was snapped out of my daydream when I felt a large hand grasp around my throat.

"Alyssa!! You're so stupid. Your fucking head hit my TV. Now look at it there's a scratch. You're gonna pay for this. I want 300 dollars to fix it or shall I just take all of that money you so called earned from "hard work"? my father said.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I'll give you 300 dollars. Can I please go to my room and get it? I pleaded catching my breath and hoping I could stop my throbbing head.

"Whatever, I actually don't give a shit about your sorry's. Just go get the money now. I want it in my hands in two minutes. No later, if so you're going to wish you hit your head again when I'm finished with you." He said

"Yes sir." I said before running to my room.

When I entered my room I went straight to my stash hidden in a box that was wedged between my dresser and my wall. The only way it was able to open was if you placed a heart shaped locket in it, which was placed around my neck. My mother gave it to me before she passed. I wish she was still here with me instead of Kevin. She loved life and was always happy. No one ever found out how she died. The doctor said heart failure, but I think otherwise. I was again cut out of my daydream by the booming voice of Kevin downstairs.

"Alyssa if I were you I would hurry my ass up because that money better be in my hands in 26 seconds!" He said.

I have never done anything so fast in my life. I hurried and grabbed three one hundred dollar bills from the about 5000 in the box. I looked at my wall clock and realized I had about 15 seconds left. I turned my head and ran down the stairs so fast that I could have gotten whiplash.

"Here you go Kev- Daddy." I quickly covered up accompanied by a fake smile.

"Don't call me that I am your father not your daddy!" he said harshly with the roll of his eyes.

"Yes sir." I said again trying not to say sorry again.

I quickly walked back to my room before he could say anything else. When I got back, I saw the box still on my bed. I then put it back into its rightful place. After, I went to my very own bathroom to clean up my cut on my head. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be with dealing with Kevin. Someone else would think this is a bad cut but I'm used to it. I then lay on my bed, sighed, closed my eyes, and tried to relax. I was awoken by sex noises in the other room. Seems like my sister and Kevin are having fun again. They're disgusting.

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