Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I mentally slapped myself for knocking on the door without thinking about what I was going to say. I mean if I were him, I would be really shocked. I tried to get words out but I just stuttered out letters. Damn you're stupid. Said my brain but honestly I agree.

"Oh my god, Allyssa is that really you?" said Josh still very confused. That makes two of us.

"Hi Josh, I um... I just came to visit. I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd drop by" I said lying horribly.

"Alyssa you live in South Carolina which is eight hours from here. What do you mean you were in the neighborhood? He said.

"I-I was just...." I said stuttering having no idea what to say.

"Alyssa, why don't you just come in?" He said while grabbing my bags, me having no time to answer.

He moved to the side letting me walk in the apartment first. I looked around it and saw it was surprisingly clean and wasn't that bad, structure wise. Even though it was nothing compared to my house back in America.

I turned around to look at josh struggling to carry four insanely huge suitcases all at once. I scoffed and walked over to get three of the smaller ones leaving him with the biggest one. He didn't protest because he knew I could carry them with no problem.

When I was younger I use to play almost every sport back in school. You name it volleyball, cheerleading, basketball, softball, track, tennis, swimming, soccer (football), and even bowling. So I have some muscle. I use to be in the gym afterschool almost every day with the guys in my school, just lifting. But dancing was always my dream even though it wasn't really considered a sport. I've been dancing since I was 5 years old. It made me feel free. It was always just my escape.

I was taken away from my escape from the sound of groaning. I looked over to see Josh's face bright red and him slowly falling on the floor holding his junk. I tried not to laugh but I failed. He tried giving me a death glare but it didn't work. He looked like he was constipated and it was hilarious.

After Josh regained himself off the floor, he got up to sit on the couch. I was still smiling. Josh was always so clumsy. I don't understand why he's a drummer though. He has to be careful with the sticks.

"Alyssa. You want any water or tea or something?" He asked after composing himself

"Ha-ha I think water is fine. I'm not British so I don't really like tea and crumpets bro." I laughed

He just gave me a cold stare and went off into the kitchen. I smiled and just looked around the house while I kicked my feet back and forth while sitting on the couch. I finally realized that this place was huge for it just to be Josh here there had to be like four bedroom in here. That's pretty good for an apartment. Josh soon came back and handed me a bottle of water.

"So... Do you mind telling me what you're doing 4000 miles away from home?" josh said casually

"You know the usual. I heard there's great places to shop here." I said sarcastically. I was trying to stall so he didn't have to find out the real reason why I'm here.

"Come on Al I know you. What's up?" He said

I really wish you do know me Josh

"I-I just needed to get away from home okay? I finished high school and I just wanted to get out of South Carolina for once. So I came here because I've always wanted to dance at University in London". I said not completely telling him the real reason because I'm scared.

"Okay" He said not completely believing me, but he let it go. "So do you need a place to stay? You're living with a friend? How did you get here? Does dad know about this?" He said exploding questions at me

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