Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning I woke up with the sounds of whispers towering over me in my room. Since I'm still half asleep I could faintly hear what the voices were saying.

"Aww look at how cute they are" I heard

"Someone should get a picture before they wake up"

"I got it"

I heard some ruffling and laughs' coming from the strangers in what I think is a dream.

"Be careful, you don't want to mess with her in the morning." I heard from a voice I recognized as Josh's

"Hurry up Lou she's moving" I heard from a deep voice

"I'm coming jeez."

I heard the clicking noise that happens when you snap a picture on your phone, then I felt something hard fall on my nose, after I heard laughter and shhs.

"Lou hurry up and get your phone off her face before she wakes up" Josh said

I felt a hand on my face picking up a cold device, that's when I lost it.

I quickly shot up and punched whoever touched me in the face, with them falling on the floor. I looked around at the blurry strangers in my room looking at me with wide eyes and Josh.

"Who the hell are you guys and what are you doing in here?" I snapped my vision not fully there yet.

The one I think has curly hair was about to answer, but was cut off by the sounds of groans coming from the floor beside my bed. I looked down and saw a figure lying on the floor holding his nose.

"Lou are you okay?" asked the curly haired boy

"Y-yeah I'm fine." He stuttered

The boys helped him up and saw that there was blood pouring from his nose, while he was wobbling over.

"Oh uh yeah I'm sorry about that, just a habit." I muttered

"I-it's okay, someone help me get cleaned up please." He stated

The curly haired one helped him up and brought him to my bathroom.

I looked around my room to see Josh I think standing in the corner trying to control his laughter, two other boys standing around still shocked at the scene that unraveled , and I turned my head to see Niall next to me with his hands firm around my waist and his head on my big pillow. What a baby.

Too tired and not fully thinking to push him off, I rubbed my eyes to get my vision straightened out and I looked at the two boys more closely, then it hit me, I was sitting in front of the guys of One Direction, Liam and Zach I think. I don't know I was too tired to remember any of their names. I wasn't that much of a fan of One Direction, I mean I listened to their music because of Josh of course and I guess they were good looking, but that's about it.

"Umm so does anyone want to tell me what One Direction is doing in my room at-"I looked reached over and grabbed my phone "At 10:00 in the morning" I finished glaring at the boys and Josh expectantly

"Well at first we came to look for Josh and Niall to wake up for our interview today but after we found Josh we couldn't find Niall anywhere so we searched all around the house and then Harry found him in here so when we came in here to get him we found you guys all cuddled up and cute so then we thought we should take a picture but Louis phone fell on your face and when he tried to get it you punched him in the nose." Liam rambled all in one breath.

I glanced down and saw Niall's arms still around me and I tried to pry them off but he wouldn't budge.Surprisingly his touch didn't effect me the way others did. But it was only Kevin that touched me usually and I couldn't touch anyone else. Niall's touch was different and I didn't wanna move it.  I looked up and saw the three boys smirking, so I tried once again but he still wouldn't move. I sighed in defeat and looked back up at the guys "Can somebody help me get this Irishman off me?" I asked faking being annoyed.

Zach I think walked over and tried to get him off but he still wouldn't budge so after about 20 seconds he impatiently just pushed him and sadly enough he didn't realize I was still attached to him therefore we both fell.

Once we landed on the ground, me falling on top of Niall his eyes slowly opened lazily. "Now you wanna wake up" I muttered. I looked down at him just staring at me in the eyes. So I cleared my throat and looked between us to give him a hint that he was still holding me. Soon he caught in and finally let go but I still laid there too tired to actually stand up.

"I'm sorry were we interrupting something because we can leave you know?" the curly haired boy said

We both stood up awkwardly fixing our hair blushing and brushing the invisible dust off of ourselves. When we got up the curly haired one and the one I guess was 'Louis' was smirking at us with the rest of one direction and tissue stuck up the shorter ones nose.

I coughed awkwardly before saying "I'm sorry about hitting you, you know but if you didn't touch me we wouldn't have this problem" I said annoyed.

"No its okay it was my fault I'm sorry" he said "Oh and by the way I don't think we met, I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson" he said putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Harry Styles." The curly one said me shaking his hand then I turned to see Liam

"I'm Liam Payne" he said smiling and sticking out his hand for me to shake before I turned again

"I'm Zayn Malik" the dark one said. Oh so his name is Zayn, I knew I was close.

I turned again and saw Niall standing there smiling trying to introduce himself too

"And I'm Niall Horan" he said smirking putting his hand out to shake

I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning to face the rest of the guys.

"I'm Alyssa, Josh's sister nice to meet all of you." I tried to smile at all of them

"So uh what are you guys doing in here?" Niall asked

"Well at first we called you guys to get up for the interview today but you didn't answer so we came to your room to get you but apparently you weren't there so we eventually found you in here all nice and cozy." Harry added looking at me with the rest of the boys

I shifted uncomfortably "Well I'm going to brush my teeth, so um bye" I said awkwardly walking into the bathroom before Josh told me I had to come too. Sighing I continued to my destination.


After brushing my teeth and deciding on a shower I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans with an oversized colorful sweater, a pair of Sperry's, and I put my hair in a fishtail braid, and put a little bit of makeup to keep the natural look, but I had to put some on my body to cover up Kevin's wounds.(OUTFIT ON THE SIDE)---->

I made my way downstairs to find everyone in the living room only focusing on the TV. Pretty sure they were watching soccer (Football), so me being a smart girl I am, I made my way into the kitchen to make me some breakfast, and by breakfast I mean putting some coffee and getting ready to fry an egg before some big dude stormed inside yelling for us to get going. I don't think they even realized that they left out the house with me because after I grabbed my bag and coffee I made my way outside they were about to drive off in the van without me.

"Thanks, you guys are great it's not like I'm going to the interview with you or anything" I sarcastically said.

"Oh yeah, sorry we forgot and to be honest we didn't really care." Josh said smiling

"Ha-Ha very funny now move over" I said in monotone to the boys

"Sorry love, if you wanna get in the van you're going to have to squeeze in between your boyfriend and your brother." Louis said smirking and chuckling with everyone but Niall

My cheeks flushed red "He is not my boyfriend, and if you say it again were going to have a repeat of this morning's incident with your face." I snapped completely serious

Everyone in the van turned quiet as I made my way towards the back of the truck. "Move "I said sternly to both Niall and Josh in the back seat.

"Um not with that attitude missy" Niall said

"Move" I said again this time looking at Josh to see if he did what I requested, but nope he had a smug grin on his face

"Nope, you have to say please and thank you" Niall said, me rolling my eyes and puffing exasperated sigh

Without any warning I plunked down in between Josh and Niall extra hard making sure I hit there 'little friend' on the way down. As soon as I sat down Niall and Josh scooted to the opposite sides of the seats holding there junk.

"Thank you" I said smiling at Niall he only grunted in response turning away from me

I looked around the van to see everyone looking at me with wide eyes again

"What are you looking at, and don't you have an interview to get to?" I said looking directly at the big guy that came in the house screaming and ruining my breakfast. At least you have your coffee, the voice in my head spoke, with me nodding at my mind and sipping the tasty goodness in my hand.

With that the dude sped off without any warning and the rest of us holding on to whatever's closest to us.

After the very intense hour car ride we were at the venue backstage. The guys were in hair, makeup and wardrobe and Josh was practicing his drums. So apparently after the interview they were singing their song 'Best Song Ever' to close it up, and I wasn't aware of that so I was completely confused as to why Josh and I are here. My confusion was answered when the big scary guy, Paul cleared everything up in my demented head.

I got bored because hearing Josh play the song over and over again gets very annoying very quickly, and me having the attention span of a five year old I decided to get to know the guys a little more.

I walked into hair and make-up and the first thing my eyes went to was the cute little girl playing in Liam's arms in the corner. The second thing my eyes went to only for a millisecond was Niall's tanned torso, out in the open again. Does this boy not own a shirt or something? Then my eyes went back to the toddler, she was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I walked over to her, smiling and looking down on her.

"Hi cutie, what's your name?" I questioned

"Lux" she said with her chubby cheeks smiling

With me looking down at her my braid fell in front of her face, and she was fascinated at how the pattern looked in front of her eyes. She put her small hand up and started stroking it and smiling.

"Wow, your hair is very pretty and long." She said

"Thank you, it took a while to get like this." I replied

"Will my hair be long and pretty like yours?" Lux said

"Your hair is actually going to be longer and prettier than mine, look your half way there already." I said touching her ponytail

Her mouth and eyes got really big and wide, while she looked around completely shocked at the news I had just told her. She jumped off Liam's lap and ran to a lady with bleach blonde hair.

"Mommy did you hear that, my hair is gonna be long and pretty like hers." Lux said

"Really sweetheart, that's amazing." The woman said while she was styling Zayn's hair.

"I'm gonna go tell everyone!" the toddler exclaimed running out the door

I looked around the room and saw Louis and Harry wrestling on the floor in their new clothes I presume , Liam sitting on the couch confused as to where the baby went, Zayn sitting in the chair getting his hair done while on his phone, and Niall in the corner on his phone eating skittles still being shirtless. Sweet baby Jesus.

I had the options of A. breaking up Louis and Harrys little fight thingy. B. giving Liam some company. C. talking to that adorable baby's mom, or D. taking Niall's skittles and teasing him about it.

Obviously I went with option D. I pranced over to Mr. Horan and took the rest of his skittles out of his hand and chewed them before he could protest. When he was about to make a comment about my thieving manners, the big dude aka Paul came in yelling once again.

"Come on boys you're on in five... Liam what are you doing sitting there, Zayn stop telling Lou to keep fixing your hair its fine, Niall get a shirt on, and Harry and Louis I don't know what to say right now just get out." He said in an exasperated sigh.

The boys got up, Niall buttoning up his shirt and giving me a hard glance before walking towards the door. I smirked and wiggled my fingers as a goodbye when they left.

Everyone else left except for the little girl's mom who stayed back to put the hair accessories away. I went over and helped her with the hair sprays and such.

"So your Josh's sister, Allison right?" the blonde haired woman said

"Alyssa, and you do the boy's hair and makeup, right?" I said smiling

"How'd you know?" she said chuckling

"Lucky guess" I said

"Well, nice to meet you Alyssa, I'm Lou Teasdale" she said putting her hand out to shake

"So what are you doing out here, I thought Josh's family is from America." She said

"I came as a surprise visit, I'm uh moving out here too" I said looking down

"Oh cool, so I'm going to be seeing a lot of you right?" she said

"Yeah for now, while I'm still living with Josh and Niall." I said

"I feel bad for you, I spend hours with them every day I can only imagine what it's like living with them." She laughed patting me on the back

"Don't remind me" I said in monotone

We started laughing and just chatting until Paul came in and told us they were on. We walked through backstage to see the boys doing there interview in front of us, but we were on the side so only they could see us.

As they were getting into the interview towards the middle of it Niall spotted me and sent me a wink, with a smile. Why is he so gorgeous?



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Go read my bestfriends book @mayasyd15 its called The Bad Boy's Secret. its really good so go check it out and read it! please !!!!!! :D

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