Senior Prank Night

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I do not own TVD only my OC.

Senior prank night

How could I explain this? Quick! Say something. Anything!

"Why are you going through my stuff? That letter is personal and private." I knew that was the wrong thing to say. Within a second, he had me pinned up against the wall by my neck.

"I'm done playing these games with you. Tell me why you lied to me about the doppelgänger being alive." Klaus was shouting at me and for the first time I was terrified.

"I didn't lie to you, Klaus. You never asked and I never told. So don't get mad at me for not telling you that my sister is alive." Amazingly, Klaus let go of my neck. I fell down on the floor gasping for air. He wanted to say something to me but he couldn't get a word out.

"Grab your bag. We're leaving now." He said to me and turned away.

"I don't want to." I said with a small voice. In a flash, he stood in front of me just inches away.

"Now is not the time to disobey me, wolf." He grabbed a hold of me, threw me over his shoulder, and took my bag.

"Klaus! Put me down! I can walk on my own!" I knew now that he wouldn't kill me. At least not, right now. Just like that, my anger was returning. He ignored all the name-calling and my cursing words and he didn't put me down before we reached the warehouse.

"Asshole! Don't ever touch me again!" I tried to shove him but it was like shoving a huge rock or something.

"Don't pout, sweetheart." Really? How could he act like this right now? Just a few moments ago, he was so mad at me that he was seconds away from killing me. Bi-polar hybrid? Great.

When we reached Stefan and Rebekah, she looked hurt.

"Stefan is lying to me, Nik. He's hiding something from us." Klaus walked up to them.

"I know dear little sister. Sleep tight Stefan." I heard the sickening crack when Klaus snapped Stefan's neck. That was when I snapped. Rebekah saw my anger and she ran over to me and held me back, because she knew that I was about to attack her stupid brother.

"Rebekah let me go! I'm going to kick his ass." Her hold only got stronger.

"I know Amy but I really like you and I don't want you to get hurt or killed." I was growling.

"I don't care if he kills me. It would be a lot easier." I could tell my words wounded him. I knew I promised myself that I wouldn't break down in front of Klaus but seeing Stefan like that and everything else that had happen over the last few days, I cracked. He had literally broken me. Rebekah saw that, took me over to the car, and put me in the backseat. She went back to her brother. They talk for a while and I didn't want to listen at all.

"Give me the letter and I'll drive back with the truck and Stefan." Rebekah came back to the car.

"I thought you might want this back." She handed me my letter and I gripped it tight and held it up to my chest.

"Thank you." I whispered. Rebekah gave me a small smile and went back to Klaus.

"I hope you're happy with yourself. She's never going to forgive you now."

My emotions were all over the place. It felt like John's death all over again. The pain and suffering. I needed my brother. I closed my eyes and tried to shut everything out. A car door opened and Klaus' helpers got in the front seat. Before I knew it, Klaus was sitting next to me. I didn't want to look at him or even be aware of him sitting next to me. The car started to drive into the night. I kept my gaze out the window. Trying not to cry. I knew Klaus looked at me. As stupid as I am, I opened the letter from John and reread it. I completely broke down that moment. I was sobbing. I didn't care that he heard me.

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