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I do not own TVD only my Oc

!Warning! This story is in some chapters rated as a Mature one and this chapter is. If you don't want to read it, you can skip that part. 




I woke up early the next morning ,Klaus were already up and in the shower. Why was he up so early? I got out of bed and put on a robe at the same time Klaus got out of the bathroom only wearing a towel around his waist. A very attractive look. God! Did he do this on purpose?

"Good morning love. Seeing something you like?" Klaus asked me. Oh, he was being smug.

"Not really no, I was just hoping that you didn't use all of the hot water."I said with a smirk and Klaus looked like someone had taken away his favorite toy. I walked in to the bathroom and closed the door. I wanted to take a short shower before making breakfast. I got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I wanted waffles. I was deep in thought whilst making them. I didn't even notice Klaus walked in. I jumped a little when he placed his arms around my waist.

"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you." Klaus whispered in my ear. I leaned back against him.

"It's ok. I don't mind. What are you doing today?" I asked him whilst I tried to concentrate, which was hard with him around. Klaus moved my hair away from my neck and started kissing it.

"I found out where Finn is and if everything works out, we'll be unlinked by tonight." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

"Do I have to stay here? I don't want to be alone." I asked pleadingly. The thought of Damon doing something and me being alone, scared me a little. 

"You won't be alone. I won't let you. Some of my hybrids is here and they won't leave your sight. I won't let anything hurt you." Klaus answered and  I turned around and kissed him lightly.

"Let me know if you need something from me for the spell. All though, I liked the idea of being linked to you. It feels like I'm closer to you like that." I told him and Klaus cupped my face and kissed me slowly.

"Your waffles are burning." He said in a teasing tone. 

"Shit!" I turned and tried to save them. Klaus was laughing at me.

"Go away you're distracting me. Go find your brother." I told him as Rebekah entered the kitchen.

"Yes, let's go find our brother." She was impatient. Klaus nodded and whispered in my ear.

"Maybe you should distract me later tonight." I started blushing and felt my heart rate pick up.

"Ugh. I did not need to hear that." Rebekah said an stomped out of the kitchen and Klaus kiss my forehead before living.

"Stay safe little wolf." With that, he was gone.


Klaus wasn't kidding when he said that his hybrids wouldn't leave my sight. Within four hours, I was ready to pull my hair out. I couldn't go to the bathroom without them following me.

"Seriously! I can go to the bathroom by myself. Unless you think I will fall in the toilet." I exploded, making the hybrids back the hell off. 

 I went inside and closed the door. Finally some peace and quiet. When I stepped outside again, I ran into the woman who had told Damon to let me go yesterday. She was quite beautiful, with her red hair and piercing eyes.

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