Where The Lost Ones Go

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So! After this chapter it's only 1 more chapter to go of "The Gilbert Wolf" but I'm making a sequel with Amy and The Originals

That sequel is called "Stand By You" and it's an ongoing story that I'm still writing on fanfiction.net. I will post this here whenever I'm finished with this story. 

Enjoy this chapter. Not so much Klamy here but don't worry, they'll be back!

I do not own The Vampire Diaries, Only my OC.



Where The Lost Ones Go


I'm standing in one of my favorite places in the world. Surrounded by food, music, art, culture and all I can think about is how much I want to share it with you and our child. Maybe one day you'll let me.

I love you.



I had listened to that message a few times now. I've been home for two days and I haven't moved out of bed at all. The only contact I had with the outside world was with Sophie back in New Orleans and of course Rebekah. No one else knew I was back. How could they? No one really liked Rebekah good enough to talk to her at all so she couldn't tell anyone.

Nik have tried to call me a couple of times but I didn't pick up, so he and Elijah called Rebekah non-stop driving her crazy.

"That's it!" I heard from her room the second morning. Rebekah stomped down the hall to my room and walked in.

"Get up!" She told me.

"Why?" I asked back.

"Because you can't just stay here feeling sorry for yourself. You need to get up and go out with me. It's driving you crazy and I'm pretty sure Baby-Klaus feels the same way." Rebekah said and my hand went straight for my abdomen.

I didn't move at all. Then Rebekah grabbed my cover before I could stop her from doing so. 


"Get up, take a shower and get dressed. We are going out for lunch." Rebekah pointed against the bathroom. 

We have a scowling contest none of us wanted to lose but I knew Rebekah would win anyway. 

"Fine! I'll go and take a freaking shower." I mumbled as I got out of bed and out to the bathroom. I knew that Rebekah was right and I did feel a lot better once I had that shower.


Rebekah and I went to the grill. There were hardly anyone there.

"What do you want to eat?" Rebekah asked me.

"I think I want a hamburger and a coke." Ah the Gloria special. I thought and smiled a little.

Rebekah nodded and ordered for me. She ordered a few shots of tequila for herself. Right now, I would've killed for one.

"That's not fair of you. Drinking in front of me like that when you know I can't drink." I told her.

"Well, sucks to be you. Besides, I have to drink because Nik and Elijah is driving me nuts with these phone calls. Why won't you talk to them?" She asked me.

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