first day of school

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kenzies pov

" he asked for your phone number!" Katie said " he totally likes you"

"no, I think were just friends" I said laying down

" do you like him"

"I guess, I don't know" I said laying down in bed " oh I need to Skype my mom"

"ohhh I want to be in it"

" ok. but don't say any thing about toby" I said patting on my bed for her to be in the Skype call

I called my mom on Skype and waited for her to answer, she finally answered

" hi mom" I said

" hi sweetie how do you like it so far?" she asked eagerly

" I like it a lot " I said

"good what are you girls doing"

" laying in bed its getting late here" I said

" I bet and being on a plane for 6 hours tires you down too" my mom said " well as much as I would love to talk to you I have to go get ready for work"

"ok, love you' I said before hanging up

" I am going to bed" I said crawling under the covers

"me to" Katie said

we woke up the next morning to a loud knock on the door. I went to go answer it it was toby

" hey" he said leaning on the door frame

" hi" I said " why are you up so early"

" im not its 8 school starts in 15 minutes"

" what " I said "Katie wake up" I said throwing a pillow at her

" well ill leave you to get ready" he said " ill be in my dorm "

I put on a pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top and  a navy blue cardigan with a pink ruffly flower on it then straightened my hair and quickly applied mascara and chapstick then brushed my teeth. me and Katie walked down to tobys room and knocked on the door

" hi" toby said " come in"

"let me see your schedules" he said

we handed him it and he said we had 1,2, lunch and 5 period together, I only had one class with Katie its sixth period social studies

" oh wait your fourth is beginner's guitar?" he asked

" yeah"

'' Connors a teachers aide for that class third period" he said handing us back our schedules

"that's nice" I said " should we go?"

"probily" toby said checking the time on his phone

toby helped Katie find her way to he first class and then he walked with me to mine since we had the same class, it was science with mrs.allen. we walked in and sat in the middle table in the room there were four chairs but the other two across from us were empty. the rest of the class shuffled in and two girls sat in the seats opposite from us one had bright red hair and freckles everywhere the other was blonde and had very sparkly lip gloss on.

" hi my names mrs. allen" the teacher stood infront of the class " do we have any new students"

I raised my hand along with about ten others

"well why don't you say something about yourselfs" she said "you can go first" she said pointing at me

" um my names kenzie I just moved here from California, im in a band with my three best friends called mini mix" I said

"great what part of California I grew up there" she asked

"Roseville, its kinda by Sacramento"

"oh I was in southern California" she said then moving on to the next student

soon enough the class ended and me and toby walked to our next class witch was language arts

" hi my names mrs. murray ill be your English teacher" she said with an exited face

"our first exersize will be art just to get you confortable with your partner" she said " your going to draw them"

"this is going to be fun im terrible" I said to toby

" me to"

when i was done drawing toby we showed eachother

" haha my nose looks like an upside down dick" toby said laughing

"haha i tried hard on that" i said giggling

"oh my god does my hair actually look like that" i said

" no im just really bad" he said when the bell rang

"do you need help finding your class" he asked

" no i saw it on our way over here"

my third period was pre algebra, i guess you could say i sucked at math like really bad.

next was beginners guitar i walked into the guitar room and sat down at and empty chair

"kenzie" i heard a voice say behind me

i turned around to see connor

"hi" i said

" mr. G is a cool teacher youll like him " he said

next was lunch and after that was pe which went horrible then sixth period with Katie which was ok we walked back to our dorm and started our homework

" i don't get this " i said about my math homework

"go ask toby for help hes in geometry" she said

i walked down to tobys dorm with my homework and knocked on the door

" hey" toby said " you wanna come in"

" can you help me with this im completely lost"

"sure " he said

toby helped me finish my homework then i went back to my dorm and went with Katie to get dinner we just hanged out the rest of the night

an- hey guys im so sorry its a short chapter again and its kinda boring but please keep reading i know whats going to happen and some interesting stuff is going to happen next chapter (hint hint)


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