"Bring back your father... Its the right thing to do" you whispered softly running your hand along his skull, "But what about you?!" He asked tearfully. "if you bring back your father, this all stops and no more humans come down. I dont die so its a win-win even if it hurts... I promise you its the right thing to do. Isn't this always what you wanted? to see your father again?" you asked as the world slowly began to fade you vision began to go fuzzy
"trust me" You croaked softly, Sans heart was torn "alright fine, I want to bring my father back. reset this timeline" Sans nodded. "you will have these memories is that ok?" They began to spin. "Yes" Suddenly the spun around and slowly grew faster and faster. "in another timeline, we will fall inlove. I promise just tell me that the snow doesnt fall in the same place twice. Tell me that if you do see me for some reason" tears rolled down you cheek as the world turned white.
Sans sat up in tears, "Y/N WAIT" He yelled but then realized something. He looked at his hands and realized how small his hands where. Im home He thought to himself, the smell of pancakes filled his nose and he smiled. "Father" Sans opened the door and ran downstairs and ran up hugging his father tightly. "DADDY" He sobbed into his fathers jacket. "Hey buddy, how ya doing, Are you alright" He saw his son was sobbing. He got down onto his knees and picked up Sans. Sans whipped away his tears "i-its nothing im just so glad to have a father like you" Sans gushed. Gaster chuckled "I dont have to work today, so how about You, me and Papyrus go for a walk today. as a family" Gaster kissed little Sans forhead. "Id love nothing more" Sans hugged his father warmly. His heart still ached feeling regret and loss of Y/N but his heart was overjoyed by the feeling of his fathers warm hands.
The door was slammed open as Papyrus came down stairs. "Hey Paps" Gaster put his little boy down and Sans ran over and hugged his little brother. "I had a dweam! I was taller than you! and I was a fighter and a sh-chef" He giggled hugging his big brother. "Ha ha, I bet your inharited dads height becuase i certainly didnt" Sans laughed. "Breakfast boys~" Gaster calls. "yay!" the two sat down at the table. "I made you both pancakes" He laughed. "yay, Thanks dad" Papyrus giggled.
"Sorry they might be a little over cooked" He purred, "that's alright, There still delicious" Sans smiled as he opened the ketchup and was about to start chugging it when Gaster grabbed the bottle. "sans..." He looked at him annoyed, "What?" Sans blushed and giggled. "That isnt proper you know that" Gaster looked at him. Sans giggled "yes father" He put syrup on his pancakes as his brother refilled his plate with more pancakes.
Sans smiled to himself, this was how its supposed to be

Gifted Undertale Fanfic
FanfictionSans, The son of Gaster the Royal Scientist. A gifted boy who must find a away to accept the absence of a father and given the Underworlds fate by his fathers crypted messages through a strange and confusing alphabet. Sans must decide is it worth br...