the savior

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"Save me" they cry,

" be My shoulder to cry on!

"Be the person I need"

So you do, you change your entire personality to fit with what they need. Someone strong? You can be that. Someone who listens? You can be that. Someone who talks? You can be that.

"Save me"! They cry,

"Fix my problems"

"Make me feel good"

So you try. You morph into their therapist, you build yourself smaller than them, and apologize when you act bigger.

"save me" They cry,

" Be the person i always wished I was"

"help me do all the things I wanted to but was too scared"

So you do, you become crazy adventurous, and a dare devil and risk taker.

"save me"! they cry,

"be there when i break"

"pick up the pieces and put me back together"

So you try, and when you fail, it crushes you . How can you piece someone back together when you yourself are broken? But they don't understand that, you are their savoir, you are their hero, how can you not put them back together? So you run. You break ties, and relationships and you run.

Who saves the savior?

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