When you see him, tell him it doesn't snow in California. Tell him that there is no where for that maybe
little girl and that maybe little boy to go sledding. The few times it does rain is when the sky cant
hold itself together any longer, and it must show the world a brief glimpse of the oceans weakness. We
are told that no one has any skeletons in their closets and that's why all the doors hang open, but in
reality we are our own skeletons dressed up to look like people. Tell him that we all walk on stilts as to
not step on anyone's toes, but those stilts are made out of our spines, we are all to hunched
over to see anyone elses face. Spending time talking with our mouths closed and removing birth
marks, its too risky to have something someone else doesn't. We are a swirl of oxymoron's and death
wishes, shouting " Be your self" while beating up the kid who brought a bible to school. When you see
him, tell him I found the tree of broken glass and added our window to it, tell him I snapped all the
strings off my bass guitar heart and used them to sew some armor. Its easy to hate yourself when all
your love is inside someone else. We are still waiting for the answer to that ten to fifteen year old
question mark. She built a bon fire out of church pews to melt the ice around her grandfathers heart,
but she wasn't able to control the blase it so it swept up the city in her mind . We are not as strong as we think we
are. When you see him, tell him I found his castle in the sky broken, vandalized, but the draw bridge
remains open. Our Hells and our Hevans are so few inches apart, we must be awfully small and not as strong
as we think we are.

Poetry in Motion
PoetryThis is my first ever poetry collection and it took me a little over a year to complete. I realize the first few poems are poorly written but, I keep them around to remind myself how far I've come. Its kind of encouraging. So if you see fit to read...