Breaks your Heart

116 21 10

She is breaking your heart. Tearing it in two.

You used to think that you had to be in love for someone to break your heart, turns out you were wrong. It turns out that to be susceptible to heart break, you must love in general.

You just want it to be OK again.

You just want to FIX HER.

But that's not fair is it? There is nothing wrong with her. Whats wrong is the situation.

You just want a quick solution, a solution that will fix everything and make all the bad go away.

But in reality it never will, will it? Even if you find some semblance of the way it used to be, it will never fully be the same. And it breaks your heart.

You considered her to be family. And she is breaking your heart. She doesn't know it but she is.

You love her so much, you just want her to have want she wants, and your heart aches because she cant.

But more than anything, you wish for someone to blame. But its no ones fault, and that just might be the hardest part.

She doesn't want to break your heart, but she is all same.

They say that God olny gives trials like this to those strong enough to bear them. Well its at times like this that you wish she was weaker.

She is breaking your heart. Standing there smiling as she Slowly rips it in two. It and everything you love. Your life is crumbling, falling around your ears as you stand in the middle and laugh at the irony of it all.

But soon your laughter turns to tears because your heart is being broken.

You hold her as she cries and you start to cry too because watching her in a helpless state breaks your heart.

You cry because there is nothing you can do because you are completely and utterly powerless.

and it breaks your heart

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