The Fireworks Inside My Head

59 10 14

 Synesthesia: The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.



Close your eyes.

listen to this song.

can you hear it?

Can you feel it?

can you feel the notes reverberating through your chest?

dancing down your arms just under the surface of your skin,

Can you feel them twisting through the tendons in your shoulder blades, swinging from your rib cage like monkey bars.

pounding on the snare drum that is your heart

begging your lungs to explode,

Can you feel it pounding as it rushes through the muscles in your shins,

Rattling every bone in your body,

crawling into your ear drums and running down your spine like a xylophone.

Can you see it?

The red and gold smashing together with every beat,

the blue and green intertwining themselves, circling  around the red, outlining the gold.

can you feel it?

can you feel as the blue pulses under your finger nails?

As the red and green dance dangerously close to the edge of your vision,

obscuring every other thought or emotion.

Can you feel the unbearable need to run, run until your legs break, run until you shatter, run until it is

only you, and the wind, and this song pumping out from your heart and into your veins, rushing

through your blood stream, rushing until it has filled up every inch of you.

But when the song ends,

when the last gold stream of light fades away,

when the tribal dance pounding in your head slowly

comes to a stop,

you will still have a few notes left behind in your

veins, a few notes still twisting through your tenons,

still trotting up your spine.

Not many, but just enough to last you until the next song starts up,

and the fireworks commence.

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