Round 1

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It was 4 am. And i was walking into the Convention Center with a cup of coffee in my hand, my phone, and my dad.

   I had on very sparkly boots, with my favorite Miss Me jeans, and a sparkly light blue show shirt with all my sponsors on it, which I was wearing tonight. My hair was curled and i honestly thought I looked very good. Everything, including my makeup, was on point, so I obviously took a mirror selfie before we left the hotel.

Me and my dad were sighing at the same booth at 10:15, so I honestly didn't know what we were doing here this early, but he wanted to meet up with his friends.

   We set our stuff down by the "Chevrolet" booth which we were signing at. And straight across from us was where Tuf was sighing. I only knew that because he happened to be standing right there. Luckily facing away from me.

   "Hey Tuf," I heard my dad say.

   I looked up from my phone to face Tuf, who was talking to my dad. I had to admit, he looked reeaaalllyyyy overly cute today. And there was only a 4 year age difference between us. So I could make it work.

   I sat down in one of the chairs that were sat out for me and my dad. I scrolled through Instagram, Twitter, retweeted a few "good luck" posts, and texted Kylie, my best friend back home.

   "Hey Jordan," I looked up to see a very good looking Tuf Cooper.

   "Hey," I smiled. I had just met him and he gave me instant happiness every time I saw him.

   "So I was wondering, since I know so much about you, and you know very little about me, how about we go out and explore Vegas tonight. Just me and you?," he looked at me with a face that I couldn't say no to.

   "Mmmm.." I pretended to think about it, "I don't see why not"

   He had the cutest smile ever planted on his face.

"Can I see your phone?," I asked.

   "Sure," he unlocked it and handed it to me. I added my number in his contacts with the name "Jordan is my fav 😏🔥😂", yes, with emojis. I locked his phone and handed it back to him.

   "I put my number in your phone, so you can text me. I have my phone on me 24/7 so," I spoke.

   "Ok. Meet me outside the hotel, in your showing clothes if you want, when your done?," he said.

   "Sounds like a plan," I smiled

   "My friends are waiting for me, so ill catch up with you later?,"

   "Yep," I said sad he had to leave.

   He gave a small hand gesture as he walked away. I sighed.

*skip signings and to when Tuf's running*

   I was standing by all the other calf ropers and my dad waiting to watch Tuf, then to go get my horse. I didn't have to worry about tacking him up, because my dad asked a few friends to do it. So i was good. Plus, I was fifth out.

After they called Tuf's name, he walked into the shoot. He eyed me and I mouthed 'good luck'. He smiled and started 'warming up' as I call it. After, he backed his horse his horse into the corner of the shoot, nodded his head and was off.

He roped the calf, jumped off of his horse, and tied the calfs three legs together faster then I ever could. The time showed a 6.8, which would put him second in the round. With a smile I turned and headed to get my horse.

Vegas looked absolutely beautiful. His saddle pad matched my shirt, his breast collar was fringy, and his performance boots were light blue with the straps sparkly. I checked everything, retightened the saddle, and mounted.

I was walking Vegas to the warm up ring with my dad along side us.

*skip to when shes getting ready to run*

   It was taking all i had to hold back Vegas. I could feel his excitement underneath me. He wanted to leave. Now.

   The runner before us ran passed, and stopped the clock with a 14.9, which was now the leading time. I took a deep breath in, aimed Vegas toward our first barrel, and let him go.

   It seemed to be only a second and we were already at the second, turning towards third. I held my hands to his neck, letting him rub, and kicking.

   We came around the third, and straight home. Stopping the clock at a very impressive 14.5.

Guess whos back!? me.
its been forever since i updated 😩 im sorry! but im hoping everyone whos reading is liking it! :))

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