It's been a year since I last updated, wow, what can I say..
Well....let's keep this story moving along with a year's worth of knowledge."Skyland, please awaken for us," hums a voice.
"Skyland Jonez?" asks another
At that word, it feels as if I were hit on the head. The pain shoots through my temples and makes me cringe.
Stay calm, impassive, and hold your ground, right. I am barely standing, as my knees are slightly bent and shaking. My hair hangs over my face as my head is pointed toward the ground. My arms are hanging lifelessly at my sides. The humming voice softly commands, "Stand up with all of your might, and face me, Skylar." The voice is a velvety yet fearsome female entity. I can hear the sharp echoes boom through the room that isn't there.My head raises itself to face this entity, and my eyes are greeted with a tall woman-like spirit with white hair and eyes that glow like fire. She has beauty and grace all in one emotionless stare. She continues to gaze at me, and I fix my lanky posture.
"Where am I?" I murmur. My voice's echoes are small and insignificant compared to hers and the other's. As I ask this question, my gaze breaks away from her to look at the other spirits. They all have the same emotionless expression as they bore into me. They knew who I was, and they knew that I was naive, weak and confused. They were omniscient. They were the Cosmos.
"Correct you are, Skyland. We are the Cosmos, we are omniscient, and your thoughts are never alone here," she explains.A chill runs down my back. My internal fight to mimic their expressions began.
The lady with eyes of fire starts to speak. "You may call me Feirlonia. I will guide you whenever we decide that you should pay a visit to the Dominion," she raises her arm to show the place named the Dominion. "When we summon you, you are to find a safe location and you are to never fight us when being summoned. The consequences will bring extreme pain, just as the consequences will be for not conducting yourself accordingly."
Extreme pain. I nod and utter, "Understood, Feirlonia. However, I'd like to be called Sky. My full name is just-"
"What I call you is not up for questioning or negotiation...Skyland," she hisses. The eerie glow in her eyes grow stronger with every word.
"As you wish, Fierlonia."
"I hear a hint of resistance in your voice. I guarantee you that it will be broken out of you." My eyes widen with fear. "Don't be afraid, for now. We won't be doing that today, but soon. Away with you."
Before I can say anything, I drop abruptly to the ground.
I am shocked awake and I'm in Bow's arms. He looks at me with worry and a hint of sorrow in his eyes. I meet his gaze and my face falls. I start to weep. He sighs, "Hush now, Sky. It's okay," he starts to talk to himself, "I knew this was going to happen. I should go and give Fierlonia a piece of my-"
"No, Bow," I whisper. "It's not her. This is all just too much. How will I survive this way?" I look up at his gentle face. "Please," I whisper again. "I want you to help me through this and I want you to stay as long as possible." I bury my face into his chest and he carries me to my bedroom. He slowly places me onto my bed and pulls the blankets onto me.
"Tomorrow will be the most difficult day of your human life, Sky, but not as difficult with me there beside you," he assures me. He fades into the walls and I fall into a light and steady dream.

Beyond The Cracks: The Break
ParanormalEver felt like you were on the outside, looking in? Sky Jonez wasn't. Instead, she was on the inside, looking out. She was inside of the paranormal, looking out into the normal world, wanting to be there. Physically, she was, but mentally, she was i...