Chapter 3

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               I want to thank you guys for your positive feedback, and your responses. I hope I can count on your support for further chapters and books!  

              I open my eyes, and look up. There's just white in front of me. The emptiness isn't frightening, but somehow comforting. I'm surrounded by nothing, and still very much alone. The paradoxical room makes my hands shake. My face starts to heat, and my skin turns red. Sky, you're getting scared. Stop. It's just one of those white rooms people in commercials talk in front of  to avoid a budget cut. I giggle at myself.  Great Sky, you've lost your train of thought because you're so busy laughing at yourself. You're so small-minded! Get focused! Hold on. Why the change of mood all of a sudden? My eyes widen with realization.  It's a trick. He WANTS me to have the mood swings. HE WANTS me to keep myself in this room. But what's so scary about it? What am supposed to be scared of?  I sigh and look at the floor. There is a strange black sand on the floor next to my foot. There a line of it, and stops about 15 feet away from me. I walk the length of the line of mysterious sand, where there are words engraved on the floor at the end.  

            I pick up a handful of the sand, and pour it over the engraving. It brush it off and it reveals the message, "What's your worst fear?" I close my eyes. When I open them, there's not more black sand and dust. The message is gone.  I look up  to the nonexistent sky, and yell, "My worst fear is not being able to fear at all."  I look up above me, and there's a black dot, and it is getting bigger and bigger.  It isn't expanding. The room is just being sucked into the hole. Here we go again. I close my eyes, preparing to transported to another strange destination.  When I open them, Bow is standing in front of me, curious and amused. "What are you doing?" he cocks his head to one side. "Oh, I was...Not important. Can I have my dream back?" I plead.

            "Of course you can. You were able to face the fear of the past, and the present. When you figure out the one of the future, I will be no more. Understand?"

                "Not at all, really."

                "Well, when you wake up, I'll be able to explain further, Sky."

                 "What do you mean? This is a dream. None of this is real. It's just my imagination roaming free, and giving me crazy suggestions as to why you were in my driveway today. That's all. When I wake up, you won't be there, and I will probably never see you again apart from here."

                  "That's what you think."

                   "Alright, then watch me wake up, and watch yourself not be there."

                    "Alright, Sky." He smiles.

                   I smirk at him and snap my fingers, everything starts to become a blur and my bones turn into jelly. Suddenly, I'm awake in my bed, with my face still buried into a pillow.

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