This is one of my first books, (Hopefully of many) and I hope it turns out to be successful. For all the Blood Games readers, unfortunately, I won't be continuing, because there is no way for me to. It may be a temporary or permanent bug, but I am not able to see the book, and it's like it never existed. I was going to start over, but it is a large hassle, and I have ideas of a better story. This one. But, I won't hold you with my rambling. Enjoy. :)
As a little girl, I always knew there was something. Something that would change, and something that would change me forever. I was told I was smarter than the usual, more imaginative than the usual, and even better than the usual. The usual. Although I was told these amazing things, I never really believed them. I knew something was going to happen, but it wasn't going to be good at all.
It's late November, and I'm walking down the leaf-covered sidewalks to my home down the street. Everything is silent except for the clicking and clacking of my boots. As the wind blows, it leaves chills down my spine, I pull my hair out of my face and cross my arms. I feel my cheeks start to redden, just as my skin starts to sting from the bite of the cold wind. It's only November. Why am I so cold? As I see the roof of my peach colored house, I unfold my arms and fish for my keys in my bag. In the corner of my eye, I see a figure. I freeze for a moment. When I look back, it is gone. Sky, get a grip. You're just cold and tired. Cold and tired, that's all. Just get in the house, and you'll be fine. I hurry down the street and walk into the driveway. Suddenly it isn't my own footsteps I hear. I stop, and my eyes rush to the side. I knew someone was following me. "Excuse me, but, I think you dropped this," a voice says a few feet behind me. I slowly turn around to find a tall boy with long auburn hair, dressed in all black with a sly smile played across his face. In is hand, is my purple notebook. "Is this yours?" he asks, aware of my staring. "Uh, yeah. That's mine," I take it out of his hand, "Thanks." I turn on my heel, and start to walk toward the door of my home.
"You're welcome, Sky Jonez."
He knows my name?! I turn around to find no-one there. I am frightened not because there was no-one there when I looked, but that no-one knew my name. Okay, calm down and look at reality. He might just know your name because it might have been on the notebook. He probably just ran off because he's scared of girls or something. No, surely a guy that good looking isn't afraid of any girl. Especially me. I look in the mirror, in which a pale girl with shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes stares back at me. Yes, definitely not scared of this girl. I take off my bracelets and earrings and plop down onto the bed. I lie there, staring up at the ceiling for a while. I start to think about the handsome stranger in my driveway again. What was he doing there anyway? It's not everyday you see a random guy in your driveway, coincidentally handing you your notebook, knowing that it is silent enough that you would have heard it drop. My head starts to hurt. I roll over and bury my face into a pillow. What is happening to me? Before I know it, I'm asleep.

Beyond The Cracks: The Break
ParanormalEver felt like you were on the outside, looking in? Sky Jonez wasn't. Instead, she was on the inside, looking out. She was inside of the paranormal, looking out into the normal world, wanting to be there. Physically, she was, but mentally, she was i...