"A long, long time ago before anything living walked upon the Earth, there were great spirits called the Cosmos. They wanted a world of their own that they could control, so they made the aspect of Life. They then decided that the Life should have an end, so they created the aspect of Death. In between, they made a way for them to grow and mature and for them to come into existence. They made different emotions, ways of living, states of mind, and characteristics. Once that was established, they had to have protectors of the souls, so they created thousands of guardians they would call Abnormals.
"The Abnormals had amazing powers, and they could control and influence any soul. The Cosmos also felt that if the Abnormals would get out of hand, or if they had no leaders, they could not guide souls, so they made Conductors, which are Abnormals who are much more powerful, and instead of influencing the souls, they controlled all. The Cosmos and the Abnormals kept it all secret, thinking that humans would not understand their purpose and end up in chaos and destruction if they knew. However, if a human would ever find out, they would be turned into a Lost Soul, or a "ghost", and they would have to accompany an Abnormal to guide them and tell them of their destiny. In order for the Abnormals to live on to guide and watch over any soul, they would live different many among the humans and control in secret. And you, Sky, are an Abnormal. A powerful one at that," he explains.
I jump up. This is impossible. I don't know what to say. "M-Me? An Abnormal? That's impossible. I don't have the power to do 5 push-ups, let alone have the power to influence souls and have mystical powers!" My voice cracks. I'm overwhelmed by shock and discomfort. I can't do this. I'm supposed to be this regular human. Regular me. Regular girl. Regular body. Regular mind. No powers. No secrets of the Cosmos or Abnormals or any of that crap. Regular. Bow reaches to touch my shoulder but I step away.
"Sky, I know what you're thinking, and what you're thinking isn't the right way to think. You were destined to be this way. According to my sources, you are destined to be a Conductor, and you need to act like it because of the many lives you've lived before."
"Your sources?"
"Yes, my sources. Us spirits work in a big land in a different dimension called The Dominion. The Dominion is where the Cosmos reside, and the make all decisions there. Sometimes they'll invite you there, with good or bad reason being unknown until arrival."
"Why....why me? Why my soul?"
"Because your soul was made that way, blah, blah, blah, Destiny and all that other spiritual crap."
"And if I choose not to except this "destiny" of mine?"
"That would be impossible."
''We'll just see about impossible."
"Sky, I must tell you that once you know about what you are, your powers and abilities will start to kick in, and you'll have to learn to control it by yourself. Also, I will have to follow you everywhere you go until you do your duties and master them."
"Let's just see about that tomorrow when I go to school, and nothing will happen."
"You're very stubborn."
"Stubborn, or realistic?"
"Am not."
"Are too."
I grow dizzy. "Am.....not.....I....
Focus," I breathe. My vision blurs and my knees grow weak. I fall to the ground and the last thing I hear is Bow's voice. "Stay calm, impassive, and hold your ground. Good luck!"

Beyond The Cracks: The Break
ParanormalEver felt like you were on the outside, looking in? Sky Jonez wasn't. Instead, she was on the inside, looking out. She was inside of the paranormal, looking out into the normal world, wanting to be there. Physically, she was, but mentally, she was i...