There's a blue sky, and fresh air. I sit up, and my fingers grab hold of the bright green grass. The soil is soft and rich. There are hills with trees scattered around and on top of them. Up above, there are white clouds in the distance. I can smell the leaves of the oak trees as the wind blows on my face. It is peaceful, yet silent. Too silent. The distant clouds seem to be getting closer. Those clouds are moving awfully fast... One starts to turn grey as the other starts to transform. The skies turn grey and the wind starts to howl. A tornado is coming. I start to run, but I never seem to gain any speed, or and distance away from the violent storm-clouds. I start to panic. Wait, this is your dream. Take control of YOUR dream. I stop running, and turn to face the clouds. I raise my hand, and flick my wrist to motion them to go away. The dangerous storms start to cease, and once again, everything is at piece. I hear a creaking sound behind me, and I spin around toward the noise. It's a door with a dark entrance. It's not real. What harm could it possibly do? I start to walk into the threshold of the door.
The room is dark, and I can hear the echo of my footsteps as I hesitantly take each step. There must be some kind of ending to this.. The alarming sound of the door slamming behind me startles me, and makes me trip, falling onto my knees. As I look up from the ground, there is someone standing in front of me. It is the attractive male that was standing in my driveway. He looks down at me, amused and self righteous. He offers his hand to help me get on my feet. I take it, and slowly stand. Suddenly, I am alarmed by his presence. "What are you doing here in my dream?" I ask with the echos of the room mimicking me. "Your dream? No. This is my dream now, Sky. Unless, of course, you can repossess it without getting scared and waking up."
"Is that a challenge?"
"It's whatever you want it to be."
"Who are you?"
"I, am Bow, as in, Bow and Arrow."
"Bow? How did you get here, Bow?"
"You'll find out if you can repossess your dream from me."
He takes my hand, and kisses my ring finger lightly. When he raises his head, His eyes twinkle with orange, blinding me. When I open my eyes, he is gone. There is yet another door waiting at the end of the dark room, waiting for me to enter into Bow's dangerous game.
As I enter the room, there are dimmed lights. They are all set to make an aisle, leading up to a large podium with a spotlight showing itself. I walk down the long aisle, and think to myself. This is only a dream. Only a silly dream. I approach the podium, and there sits a single tulip, a letter, and an orange button. I open the letter, only to see that there are no words written. Then it hits me. There was always a song that used to scare me out of my wits as a child. The song was called Tip Toe Through The Tulips. The lyrics say to tip toe through the tulips, and look through the window to find him. Perhaps this isn't a letter, but drawing paper. I reach into my pocket, and bull out a black pen. As quickly as possible, I draw a picture of a window, and I hold the piece of paper up. As I let go, the paper floats in the air as I step away. I grab the tulip, and set it on the ground. As I set it there, tulips start to blossom from the ground, and lean toward the floating paper. All of a sudden, a familiar Ukulele starts to play. Is this Bow's way of having a joke? I start to tip toe through the plethora of tulips, careful not to step on any. I start to feel the familiar fear from my childhood. No, you can't get scared. You have to take your dream back. I take a deep breath as I take the last step, out of the tulip patch. All of a sudden, I am sucked into the window, and the tulips and music disappear.

Beyond The Cracks: The Break
ParanormalEver felt like you were on the outside, looking in? Sky Jonez wasn't. Instead, she was on the inside, looking out. She was inside of the paranormal, looking out into the normal world, wanting to be there. Physically, she was, but mentally, she was i...