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I walk in the house and I almost howled when Katie kisses my cheek.

Did you drink my ale Katie?


Give me some of that. You dink about 52 bottles. (you have about 7,354,925 left. YOU DRINK WHEN YOU MAD AND ALONE MOST THE TIME)


Yes nn

Kiss me.


You kiss as Laurence walks in. 

~Laurence's POV~

I was just dropping off some more ale for N cause I know how she can be, when I see Katelyn and N kissing. I leave almost crying and knock on Garroth's door.

What do you want this early Laurence?

N was kissing Katelyn.


Shhhh or you'll walk Dante.

D: Too late. Now tell me what's so important Garroth yelled.

G: My sister, N, kissed Katelyn. Which means she is cheeting an Laurence or drunk, but the only way they would kiss is if they both were.

I really hope there just drunk. 

G: Me 2.

D: Whatever I am going back to bed.

~Your POV also it's the next day~

I wake up to see Katie sleeping next to me.

Ugg my head hurts.

Shut up NN and go back to bed.

Katie I think we were drunk on ale again.

What gave you that idea.

I look at here like are you dum. We were asleep in the same bed nude.


Ale does this crap to me a lot.

I really need to remember not to drink that crap.

Me to but

IT'S SOOOO GOOD. You both say

We are blood sister's or was that with my dead one.

Nope NN. We are blood sister's at lest.

Good. Wait when did we bec...

We did it on accident. 

Sounds like something we would do.

You bring out my girl side. I hate you.

Katie we both know we could start a war in less than five seconds.

Next time you call me Katie you're getting punched.

You're no fun Katelyn.

That is not a first hear.

I can only imagine. Hint the heavy sarcasm.

That's it. You got one minet to run.

Why one minet? 

IDK, but now you lost about ten seconds.

You change to wolf and run like heck to Laurence, and change to normal. 


Calm down. Now what happened?

Well let's say I pushed my luck to far.

Katelyn punches you in the back. 

L: Katelyn. Why did you punch N?

K: Because I can punch my Jury of Nine friend.

L: Since when was N a Jury of Nine?

K: N talk up.

I was younger, I was getting trained to be a secret member. Big deal. That just makes nine ten. 

L: What was your title?

Technically I still have my title, and it's N The balance of Life.

K: I know how that name fits at lest.

True I don't know why I got The Balance of Life

L: How can you not know what your own name means?

Because I am no balance to anything. I have to much power and often am more evil than good.

L: Katelyn, may I talk to N alone?

K: Fine, but I am not giving that punching bag back.

L: Fine

Laurence x reader book 2Where stories live. Discover now