Asking Everyone in the Town to Help With the Wedding and a surprise?

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Laurence was already gone by the time you wake up. Ivy and Katelyn were slowly waking up so you leave before they ask what happened.

You race to the first person on your list, Aphmau.

Knock knock.

Zoey ancers the door. N what are you doing here? Owe lesson isn't untell tonight.

i need aphmau, but you can stay as I talk to her. I need to talk to you as well.

OK come on in. Sit down. She get's Aphmau.

A: Zoey says you need to talk to me.

I do. First off I am getting married.


Thank you and well I was going to say I need some help.

A: What do you need help with.

Well Aphmau I was hoping you could make the spot we will get married under at my cove.

A: If you show me where it is, I will make it.

Thank you and Zoey.

Z: Yes N.

Can you get the flowers. the theme is black and white.

Z: Sound like a lan.

Thank you both, but I must get going. I have to ask more people for there services.

A+Z: Bye.


You go find Kawii~Chan who just happens to be by Logan.

Hello Kawii~Chan and Logan. Can you two help me please?

K: What does N~sama need help with.

L: Spit it out shadow brain.

I am getting merried and need food. Kawii~Chan can you please make the cake and Logan I trust you with food.

L: Can do, but I want to be payed and know who the groom is.

Laurence and OK.

K: YAY N~SAMA IS GETTING MARRIED and of course Kawii~Chan can make the cake. What type?

The fun one you made on owe first date.

K: Kawii~Cham can make N~Sama that cake.

Bye I got one more person to see.

K+L: Bye

You go to Cadenza's

knock knock.

Come in.

Cadenza to make it short I am getting married and need you to help me by making this dress (look at last chapters pic) for me to wear.

I would love to.

I need to run cadenza, but I also need a dress for Katelyn and the theme is black and white.

Bye N and got it.


You go out of the walls into the woods to find Gene.

Gene stand down or I will fight.

I am just here with a letter from someone you know, but it's for Laurence. 

Why should I trust you?

Technically you are the princess of the night/nether. 


Just give him the dam note.

If I do, you may not return for a whole year.

Fine. Done. deal.

You take the note and find Laurence, give it to him, give him a kiss and walk off.

~Laurence's POV~

N just handed me this note. I hope it's not something bad like her calling off the wedding.

~Dear Laurence,

     My husband, the shadow lord, tells me you are going to wed my baby girl. If you want her hand in marriage you are to come to the nether with her and see me and my husband. If you try to marry her and not talk to us your marriage will not last long. You have untell summer to talk to us so get on it.

             ~From shadow lord's wife

No she can't rip us apart and her father will just try anyway. I don't know her mom so maybe she wont lie about her child.

O no if you guy's didn't read the Diary to this book you would know you don't really like you mom nowadays. This may not go well. Even worse Laurence doesn't know how much you hate her now.

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