Marrage and Things that I didn't want to hear

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J (Jazz): You look lovely my lady.

Call me anything but my name and it will be ugly. After all you are a pre-me so I could kill you.

Yes Princess N.

Close anuth. Now let's go get me married. 

~After a red wedding~

F (Father): Guards Arrest N Laurence Ivy and Katelyn.

Girls weapon up and Ivy use this sword. I got my shadow side.

L: What about me. 

I called you a girl now shut up and fight.

The fight was useless for shasha the jerk splashed a potion on us and we were out cold.

~After a long sleep~

Laurence? Katelyn? Ivy? Where are you?

I+K: We are in the cell next to you and Laurence is in there behind you.

I am sorry I brought this pain to you.

I: I told everyone if we were not back in a day to come.

Thank you Ivy now I must care for Laurence's wounds. Also The cells block magick that will let us escape. 

~Start Song~

  Nobody's perfect I'll never try,
But I promise I'm worth it if you just open up your eyes,
I don't need a second chance,
I need a friend,
Someone who's gon' stand by me right there till the end,
If you want the best of my heart, you've just gotta see the good in me.

'Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.

I could be your sun when it's cold outside,
I could be your rock when there's nowhere to hide,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.

It's how you love me.

You get what you give, that's the simple truth.
So, just lend me your hand and I'll give you someone to hold onto.

I don't need a second chance,
I need a friend,
Someone who's gon' stand by me right there till the end,
If you want the best of my heart, you've just gotta see the good in me.

'Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.

I could be your sun when it's cold outside,
I could be your rock when there's nowhere to hide,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.

It's how you love me.

Oh, you know I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.

A light glows and I fall to the floor.

I: Are you OK n!?

Magically or.... 


No, my magick is not flowing threw my veins like it should as if it was being blocked, and yes I am not injured. 

K: N can you move over here near the bars some.

I move over to the bars. 

K: Ivy is that what I th...

I: Why yes it is Katelyn. A magick seal.

K: English please. 

I: *sigh* A magick seal is to block off someones powers if they are to powerful. unstable, or ment to stop all usage.

*Gasp* I don't like the idea of that at all, and even more if that means Sasha did this will it be fun to fight.

 I try to make my magick flow but the mark on my arm shocks me with neon blue sparks.


I+K: N

*Wince* I am fine just pissed off.


Just that Laurence. The nether and the place without Irene.

L: N why no hope in your voice.

"Because how can I have hope when I cant use my magicks, you where close to death again, and I have this." I show him the seal. "It blocks my magicks and may stop them for good. I used my last bit to save you."

K: Can we skip the heart ache please.

L: Whats your problem Katelyn! My wife actually loves me is that it! O wait you wouldn't know love if it punched you!


~Laurence's POV~

I have never seen her so mad before. It is actually scary speaking as the circumstances. O Irene Please anything but her braking up with me if that is how far it goes! I can't lose her like that! SHE IS MY SOULS, MY LIFE, MY  HEART! (A/n Awww. *Cries* I can't do this. Need 5 Min break) I. . I ... I'm Sorry.

(Ok i back after like 5 days. Yea I suck I don't even know why you people like my book)

~Your POV~

Laurence you didn't know, but you shouldn't jump to say things like that. I love you, but Katelyn is like a sister to me so I will always protect her. Do you hear me?

I hear you and I am sorry to the both of you. N, if I never. . .

Never what? loved me, talked to me, meet me, we could go on if I never's, but I don't want to hear that from you. Before he can reply back I lean in and kiss him.

--pg 15--

As soon as my lips touch his soft warm lips I knew how it was gonna go fast. It was better than the last one, which was latterly my wedding. I lost control in, what was swiftly becoming a french kiss, a shorter time than he did. 


If it wasn't for Katelyn and Ivy we probable would have never stopped.

Laurence go any idea's on how to get out?

L: No sorry, Ivy?

I: I am a priest. I don't normally have to deal with this. Katelyn?

K: If N can't think of anything than we are screwed.

Wow thanks for the help.

K: No problem 

Ivy please do me a favor so I don't do one of three things. Scream, try to son spell, or kill her when we get out.

I: "OK!" She smiles an evil grin and walks over to Katelyn. "Just know I have wanted to do this since getting here. I guess that's the urge of a place with Irene." She slaps her and it sounds like a crack of thunder.

Thank you Ivy and Laurence I want you to leave even if I have to stay to set you free.

L: N what does that mean?

It means I am going to call for my insane mother and talk to her, well more like plead.  MOM GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE! I DEMAND YOU TALK TO ME!

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