Little Brother Part 6

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Joe: -nods-

Nick I want Chicken Fingers

Joe: Ok

Waiter: -walks back with our drinks and hands them- Ok we ready to order?

Nick: I want Chicken Fingers!!

Joe: I want the chicken Fingers

Kevin and Dani: -orders-

Waiter: Ok I'll get back with your food

Kevin: Can we have some Cheese Fries has our appetizer?

Waiter: Sure -walks away-

Joe: -puts arm around Nick and kisses his temples-

Nick: -smiles-

Joe: -Thinks- : Gosh he's so adorable I just want to kiss those prefect thick Lips ugh it makes me soo horny -starts getting hard and eyes wide and wisphers Fuck-

Nick: -hears it- ummmmmmm Joey said The F word

Kevin: -looks at Joe- Everything already

Joe: Guy trouble

Kevin: -sighs and looks at Dani-

Dani: -giggles go ahead but don't be loud to where your kicked out of  here-

Nick: -doesn't know what their talking about- Can I go

Joe: No baby boy you stay here with Dani ok?

Nick: -sighs and nods-

Joe: -kisses his head- I love you

Nick: -smiles some- Love you too

Joe: -looks at Kevin- Lets go now

Kevin: -nods- Got it -runs in the bathroom

Joe: -runs and goes in a stall-

Kevin: -goes in the same stall- Thinking about how hot Nick again

Joe: -pulls his pants down- Im sorry that I'm in love with him

Kevin: when you going to tell him Joe?

Joe: I don't know when I can but I don't know if he'll understand

Kevin: pulls his pants down- Im tired of doing this for you

Joe: But you love it -smirks- 

Kevin: fine I do but when me and Danielle are married no more

Joe: -picks Kevin up- Ok

Kevin: -wraps legs around his waist-

Joe: -shoves in him-

Kevin: -moans-

Joe: -starts thrusting him-

Kevin: -moans loud- Oh Joe Harder

Joe: -goes harder-

Kevin: uhhhh

Joe: -kisses him-

Kevin: -kisses back and moans in his mouth-

Joe: mmmm -thrusting faster-

Kevin: mmm mmm mmm

Joe: -cums-

Kevin: -pulls away and sighs-

Joe: -puts him down and puts his pants up-

Kevin: I had to tell you Im bi

Joe: -smirks- Oh shut up cutie

Kevin: Wait Im not sexy?

Joe: -frowns- Nick's Sexy your just cute 

Kevin ahhh well you need to tell Nick soon

Joe: I will I just don't know how

Kevin: you'll find out

Joe: -smiles- Yeah

Kevin; -pecks his lips-

Joe: -groans- Don't make me Horny again

Kevin: Tease

Joe; -rolls eyes-

Kevin: -giggles and runs to Danielle and kisses her-

Dani:-kisses back-

Joe: -comes out and sits by Nick-

Nick: -looks at him and giggles-

Joe: what?

Nick: your hair is messy 

Joe: -eyes wide, whines- Fixs it Nicky Fix it

Nick: -starts fixing it- There you look Handsome-

Joe: But not has handsome has you -kisses his nose-

Nick: -blushes and -giggles-

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