Little Brother Part 11

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-Few Hours later- 

Nick: -comes downstairs- Something smells good 

Joe: Causes its pancakes -smiles-

Nick Yay

Joe: Kevy made some but I know how much you love them so I made some more if that's ok.

Nick: -smiles- its otay

Joe: Selly still asleep?

Nick: -nods- We stay up twill 12:00!! 

Joe: -smile some- Was it fun?

Nick: DUH!!

Joe: -laughs- Eat up silly I'm going to check up on Selly 

Nick: Otway -starts eating his pancakes-

Joe: -walks upstairs bends down to Selena and checks her pulse and smiles some- Selly?

Selena: -groans- Demi nooo

Joe: Selly wakey wakey

Selena; -wakes up and smiles- JOEY!! -Looks around and frowns- Where's Nicky

Joe: Downstairs eating pancakes

Selena: Yummy swomes gwood

Joe: ok well let's go downstairs and eat pancakes 

Selena: Ohhh -runs downstairs-

Nick: SELLY!!

Selena: Nicky! -Hugs him-

Joe: -comes in and smiles-

Nick: Want some pancake?

Selena: -nods- Pwlease 

Nick: ok -looks at Joe-Joey?

Joe: I'll get her some -chuckles and gets her some-

Nick: -smiles- See Selly I always get Joey do what ever I want him to do

Selena: -giggles-

Joe: Yeah don't push it mister -winks at him-

Nick: -giggles and bushes-

Demi: -comes in with Taylor- morning

Selena: -Gasp- Demi Tay- Tay -Runs to them and hugs them tight-

Demi: -smiles and hugs her- 

Selena: -pulls away and looks at Taylor- Can we go out?

Taylor: yeah why not we can go shopping 

Demi: Really?!?! 

Taylor: -smiles and her- Yeah why not

Demi and Selena: Yay 

Demi/: Bye Joe talk to you later comes on sissy -runs outside with Selena-

Joe: -laughs- Don't let them make holes in your pockets

Taylor: -laughs- They do all the time see yah Joe

Joe: -smiles- See yeah 

Taylor -walks out-

Joe: What does my baby boy want to do today?

Nick: -thinks- Watch TV?

Joe: feeling lazy today too?

Nick: -nods, giggles-

Joe: -picks him - ok will talk and watch TV 

Nick Ok what about?

Joe: Nick...

Nick yes?

Joe: -sigh- This thing is really important...

Nick ok Tell me Joey

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