Little Brother Part 19

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Sorry this one is kinda Blahh I typed about 15 more pages of this so yeah it will get alot better :P promise :)

-Next day-

Joe: Nicky


Nick -opens the door doesn't say a word to him-

Joe: Nick will you talk to me

Nick -ingores him-

Joe: Nick you cant ignore me too long

Nick -nods-

Joe: nooo now will you listen to me.. I didn't kiss him I promise

Nick: B-but I saw-

Joe: you just saw him kissing me I was shocked of what he did..

Nick -nods - okay joe -pecks his lips-

Joe: -nods- Now we got school work to do

Nick -nods and gets out a math work sheet and starts doing the problems-

Joe: -starts doing dishes-

Nick: Joey?

Joe: Yeah baby?

Nick: How would I do 17-8

Joe want to know a trick?

Nick: -nods-

Joe: count from 8 till you hit 17 and whatever numbers are on your fingers is the number

Nick: -confused- huh?

Joe -sits down- Okay give me a problem on the top of your head

Nick -bites lips and thinks- 12 - 4

Joe: puts hands up and puts a finger up has he counts from 4- 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 now how many fingers do I have up?

Nick: 8

Joe okay now you do that problem by do that

Nick: -puts a finger up has he counts starting from 8- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -looks at how many fingers he has up- so 9?

Joe -smiles- Yeah

Nick -smiles big and writes it down-

Joe See it wasn't that hard was it

Nick -shakes head and starts finishing the math sheet-

Joe -cleaning up the kitchen and see Nick is done - Want me to check it?

Nick Yes please -smiles-

Joe -checks it - look at number 6 and 10 again

Nick -looks at it- Its right

Joe: Check again

Nick -looks at it- Oh -fixes it-

Joe checks it - Good now what is next

Nick -groans- Reading with questions-

Joe Now Nicky you can do it now read it out loud for me

Nick -starts reading it out loud and starts to act up-

Joe hey hey -hugs him- shhhhh shhhh its oaky

Nick -crying- I don't like Reading

Joe: Reading is part of life

Nick No

Joe yes you have to read signs and menus and Recipes and all kinds of stuff even books

Nick: well its stupid

Joe no its not sometimes you read something without thinking

Nick -shakes head-

Joe -nods head and kisses his nose- Trust me babe everyone does

Nick: -whines-

Joe: now let's keep going with reading baby boy

Nick -keeps reading it out loud-

Joe good job now with the question first I have a question do you know what the story was about ?

Nick -thinks and nods-

Joe: okay what is it

Nick -starts telling him kinda- Its about a boy who um um

Joe: what does he do? -puts hand on table-

Nick: um um hes a farmer?

Joe: Yeah and what does he has a farmer

Nick: uh uh grown plants?

Joe what kinda plants?

Nick: Apples?

Joe: nooo

Nick: -freaking out-

Joe hey hey look at me baby look at me what do farmers usually plant...

Nick: -thinks- Watermelon Tomatoes carrrots um

Joe: okay will go with those three but that's good -smiles- okay what kind of animals does he have

Nick Goats?

Joe: a Farmer would have Goats but this Farmer didn't

Nick: -thinks- Ohhh Milk Cows!!!

Joe yeah -smiles big-

Nick -giggles-

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