Little Brother Part 15

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-Next day-

Joe –sleep asleep

Nick –also still asleep-

Kevin –comes in and smiles- Nicky come on its time for school

Nick: -groans- Nooo

Kevin Yes

Joe: -wakes up and looks at Nick

Nick: Can I Skip Joey?

Joe: Sadly No

Nick –groans-

Joe hey Selly is going to be there

Nick Okay I’ll go

Joe –smiles- That’s my baby –kisses head-

Nick –groans- Hey

Joe: -chuckles- What

Nick –points to his lips-

Joe –chuckles and kisses him-

Nick: -kisses back-

Joe: -deepen in-

Nick: -deepin more-

Kevin –clears thoart-

Joe –pulls away- Come on lets go Kevy made food

Kevin yup

Nick –gets up and tries to get dress but his shirt on backwards –

Joe –laughs- Here let me help you

Nick I got it

Joe Really Silly your shirt is on Backwards

Nick oh Joey help

Joe –helps him –

Nick: -smiles-

Joe There you go

Nick Thank you Joey

Joe your welcome baby now lets go eat

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