Authors Note

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So I have Decided to Cancel Little Brother because its just not making any sense I know you all are sad but Little  Brother and I have had an on and off Relationship for 4 or 5 years. Promise you I will write another Jick story sometimes when I come up with and Idea for one... without stealing anyones Idea lol. I have done lots of Stories on Jick ... Maybe I should try a Flowers in the attic one... Ugh but it will be Incest and that what Little Brother is grrr Idk... but anyways Im Rumbling lol. Sorry for those who stuck with me when Little Brother was on youtube (Stil is on youtube but you know what I mean) And those who just came to read it I have tons of other stories.

Love Slave is a Jick story 

Aburey (A non fan fic story)

And Teachers Pet (Jemi story) Tho that one might get canceled too

There will be another story maybe i been writting so will see 

OHHH i got Online Love duhhhh that one is also a Joick story ...What the hell is it Joick or Jick? Jick sounds like Dick but Joick sounds like what we call people do sports...Idk tell me below... I should stop typing and send this before this becomes 2 pages of this lol

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