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Walter was definitely not pleased in having lunch with Hannah but he was stuck. Hannah clung to his arms tightly, a smile on her face as they proceeded to have lunch in a restaurant where they used to go.

"I am so glad that we have this chance to chat, it's been too long." She wouldn't let go of him.

"Yeah, I am so excited." He said with a roll of his eyes, "Let's go." Walter opened the car door for her as they both slid in the car.

"So, how is life?" Asked Hannah in a cheerful voice.

"It's fine," Walter avoided her presence as he was trying to get rid of this bitch.

In a sarcastic tone she asked, "Just fine? I thought it would be fantastic since you married someone you love so dearly!"

"You know what, life is fine and I don't give a damn shit about explaining it to you, Miss Hannah," Walter snorted as she was getting on his nerves. They reached the restaurant and Hannah placed her arms tightly around his once more, looking up at his face as if they were a real couple.

"Don't look at me like that," Walter tried to push her away. Damnit, couldn't she just let go?!

"But I like it." Her lips moved towards him as they walked in. Walter quickly grabbed a chair for her and practically shoved her down into it. He settled down into his own, resisting the urge to bolt.

"What would you like?" Walter asked, a bitter bite to his tone as he watched Hannah looking at the menu.

"Anything that you like," she replied softly, her lips shifting into a sly smirk.

"No! I am serious, woman, what would you like?" Walter tried to cool his temper, but she was a complete nuisance.

She leaned forward a bit, her hands folding atop the table, "I said; I would like anything that you prefer." She felt the undying urge to eat whatever Walter ate.

"And if I say I would prefer a cup of poison, would you gladly drink? Maybe a side of kill me now?" Walter laughed darkly, contemplating how much a little bottle of poison would actually cost. He shrugged to himself; he'd have to look it up later.

"I would drink it because that's what Romeo did." She said in a low, silky voice.

"We aren't playing Shakespeare here." He called the waiter over so they could order. Once the waiter left, Walter added, "And what's with the gender swap? Do I look like you're Juliet?!"

She sighed, looking at his blank face. "You have changed a lot, Walter."

"Like? I am the same hot guy. So what change have you found?" Walter furrowed his eyebrows, examining himself in a nearby reflection.

"Well, like now you smile and talk a lot more and you are acting a bit less cold. You don't work late hours and...that's all." Hannah giggled, noticing Walter's changing expressions.

"Really? Maybe you are noticing too much," Walter said and poured a glass of wine for himself. He wished it were the strong stuff. Maybe he'd get lucky and pass out if it were.

"I've known you since childhood. We know each other more than anyone else ever could. Don't forget your ex fiancé remembers everything about you." She winked at him as Walter passed a fatigued smile.

"My ex fiancé is also my best friend, I prefer it that way." Walter said as they both laughed lightly.

The lunch was served and they both ate in silence. Walter wanted to get rid of Hannah as quickly as possible.

"Walter, guess what?" Hannah seemed excited about something.

"What is it?" He was only slightly desperate to know.

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