Chapter Thirty

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"Laiya," he whispered.

"Mmm," I groaned not wanting to be awake let alone get up.

"Laiyaaaaa, you know you need to get up."

"Noooo, you can just go and I can sleep all day," I smiled keeping my eyes shut. When I felt him kissing my neck and hating him for it, because he knows what that does to me. "That's not even fair babe," I open my eyes and turned towards him. 

We laid there just gazing into each other's eyes when he suddenly looked away. 

"What's the matter?" I ask rubbing his arm.

"I don't know how to say this.. But here goes nothing. Laiya, I know we've been worrying about our relationship becoming long distance, but I don't think that will be a problem anymore because I want you to move to London with me."

My breathing hitched and my stomach dropped. Am I ready for this? "Uh..."

"It's crazy I know, but I can't imagine waking up one day and you not being there. I love you and I know damn well you love me, so why not be a little crazy and just move in with me. You can work with us on our European tour.. and my house is spacious.."

"Okay," I said suddenly. Jumping full force into this relationship, I wanted to do everything I could to have the best relationship I could with him because he's right I did love him and I knew he loved me, so why not make things a little easier for us?


"Okay, I'll move in with you," I kissed him.

"Oh my god, okay!" he excitedly kissed me again and pulled me close. "Come on it's the last day. Let's go enjoy it with the guys!" 

"Fine, fine. I'm coming," he slid out and I followed. I went to my bag and chose a simple blank tank with a denim button-up on top with some black skinnies. I changed quickly then went to the bathroom to do my make-up. I figured I'd look nicer than normal since I'd be saying goodbye to everyone, so I applied some smoky grey eyeshadow with black eyeliner to make my eyes look even more purple and glossed my lips. Straightening my hair jittery with excitement from my sudden living choice, I then got a text from the one person that could make my everything come to a halt. Austin.

"Austin: Hey, I need to talk to you. Please."

I quickly replied, "Okay. I'll be right out." I walked out of the bathroom running into Oliver in the process.

"Sorry baby, I didn't see you!"

"Don't worry. No harm no foul. Uh, I need to go talk to Austin about some pictures, so I'll be right back," I lied. There was no way I wanted to explain how I was about to go talk to my ex that no one even knew I was with when we had just decided on our future. 

"Okay, don't be too long." He winked then quickly kissed my lips before going into the bathroom to shower. 

I walked off the bus into the California heat and immediately found him. Both Adam and Alan had kept me updated on how he was because even if I didn't want to, I still cared about him. They both claimed he had been sad, not really talking or eating, didn't enjoy meeting fans or even performing, and he just wasn't himself anymore. It pissed me off, because I know how much his fans really mean to him so for him not to give  100% to them made me want to set him straight.

"Hey Laiya," he said as he saw me. I saw the sadness in his eyes that he tried but failed to hide. 

"Hey, what's this I hear about you not wanting to meet fans? Or you not giving 150% into your performances?" I said furious at him. He was surprised at my outburst, because I hadn't spoken much to him since he ran away from me. 

"I just, I don't know Laiya. I can't do this. I'm not myself anymore. You changed me. I'm in love with you but you're with Oliver! It doesn't make any sense why you won't be with me, please just give me a chance," he begged. His eyes pleaded with me to trust him, to give him another chance but I couldn't do this anymore.

"Austin. You know why I can't. I have no trust for you. You broke my heart," I choked. No tears. 

"I know, and I hate myself for it but I'm different. I've changed. I know what I want, and that's always been you." 

"No, I haven't been. You were too selfish to see that, but I've forgiven you for that, but I'm happy now Austin."

 "You could be happy with me," Austin stepped closer putting his arm on my waist.

I looked down and slowly exhaled then stepping back I told him the news, "I'm moving to London to be with Oliver. I can't be with you." Even though I love you, I have to let you go.

"Oh, oh... Okay."

"Austin listen, I want us to be friends. We were such great friends to one another, please just let's get back to that."

"I... I would like that," he choked out with a single tear falling down his cheek. I wiped it away then put my arms around him.

"You know I'm always here for you, please don't isolate yourself anymore or I'll kick your ass," I giggled.

"I'd love to see that happen," he laughed. Oh how it was such a great sound to hear that laugh again. 

"Well, act right and you never will." I let go and winked at him. "Come on loser, let's go celebrate the last day of tour!"

"Okay, Lai whatever you say," he followed. Maybe we really can be just friends.



"Austin, you want another a beer?" Alan walked over to the cooler. I nodded then caught the beer he tossed to me. We were all sitting around a bonfire, drinking and relaxing before we all head home tomorrow. Well, some of us. I still couldn't believe Laiya was really moving to London. 

"Let's get fucked up!" Hance yelled while he and the rest of Woe, Is Me sets a beer pong table. I just shook my head laughing when I saw Laiya scurry off to the buses alone. I felt something in my gut  tell me she wasn't okay.

I followed her footsteps when I heard gagging. I turned the corner and saw her keeled over throwing up. It was like deja vu all over again I walked up and held her hair back as she spewed the contents of her stomach everywhere. When she finished I handed her the water I grabbed on my way over. She chugged it then looked at me with an embarrassed shrug of her shoulders. 

"I have no idea where that came from," she looked down and fiddled with the cap on the water.

"It's okay ya know, I've had to hold back your hair before." I smiled at her reassuring her that I wasn't judging her. She smiled back and that's when I knew I'd never get over her, but damn it I was willing to try. "You sure you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I think it's just a little stomach bug. No biggy. Hey, thanks for ya know being here."

"No problem, well, I'm gonna go back to the bonfire. Keep yourself hydrated," I nodded then turned and walked back to the group. 

Ping! I looked at my phone and smiled; I had a text from Stephanie. She's someone I met at a get together in LA, and she knew I was coming back home tomorrow.

"Steph: Hey Austin! Can't wait to see you when you get back.(:" It was nice knowing someone cared about me. So I replied honestly, because I definitely wanted to keep moving forward even if that's not with Laiya.

"Austin: Me neither! I'm dying to spend some time together(;"

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