edwa, susi, smechaela, and smectoria are all goin to the snoop daddy dogg concert. the squaw is supa hipe. dey even bot backstage passes to meet the one and only. the concert started......... it was quiet at first then suddanly
"SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPP." THE KING HAZ ARIIVED. evry1is so excited to see tha best rapper ever!!! edwa, susi, smectoria, and smechaela get crunk to da music. they r havun so much dun tonite.
wen tha concert wuz ova, they went to m33t king snop doog. he gave den a hug and even kissed susi on da cheek. she fell in l0ve wit snoop dog and his personality. edwa noticed snoop dogg kept flirting wit susi. edwa was getting jealous. "yo snoopz lemme talk 4 a minute"edwa told snoopy. "whatta do edwa" snoop wuz confuzzled.
"u need to kep yo marijuana smoking crusty frito lookun fingerz off ma gurl susi" edwa threatned.
snoop dogg wuz takun aback. "gosh edwa I dinnit kno it wuz like dat" snoop dogg explained. edwa stood th3re in anger. snoop dogg walkud off. "yeah dats right walk away" edwa called after him.
edwa walkud bak to the squaw. "where were u edwa" susi asked. "nun of ur business" edwa snapped at susi. susi wuz sh0cked. edwa hazunt talkd to her like that ina while. "ok" susi said quietly and walked off. "wait susi" edwa tried but susi kept walkun awayayay. susi wuz sad. the old edwa is bak.
lat3r in tha cawr
susi continued to ignore edwa. smechaela and smetoria sat thare in awkwardness. finally smechaela spoke "ok guyz wats rong" edwa and susi kept qui3t. dey squaw arrived at a hotel and susi and edwa are in a hotel womb togthwer.
"susi, im sorry" edwa started. "maybe I shuldnt off snapped at yew leik that""you think.. edwa you hurt my fewlings" susi said. "what wuz rong anyway"
"I got jelous wen I saw u and snoop togthwer" edwa explained.
"srsly edwa" susi said.
"do u forgive sme susi?"
"of course" susi and edwa awkwardly hugged. dey still aint d8ting edwa isnt the appropriat3 age yet.
edwa and susi wen to the rest of the squaw hotel womb. they explained wat happened. then went bak to dere womb and went to sleep.
a/n snoop needa bak off edwa's gurl man
edwa & susi
Teen Fictionwill edwa date susi b4 he's 16 or will he wait!!!! edwa cont d8 till hez is @ the apropriat age.. will he fall in luv wit susi?!?! find out h3re WARNING: this book may cause you die of laughter or lower your iq a/n this is totally a joke btw. dont t...