chapper 12

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"hey susi , wanna goe cause some truble in the loby" edwa asked. him and susi ran around the loby. the hotel managur mither mosby started yeling at them. "NO RUnin in MY lobby" mr mosby shwted. edwa n susi stahped.

two boys came out runin from the elevaters. "hi im zack" said the chubby one. "and im cody" sed the other. "hi we r edwa and susi" dey introduced demselves. "mr mosby is always yelin abut his loby" said cody.

a girl dressed in cheetah print emerged from tha elevators. "tats london her duddy owns dis plece" said zack, london loked supa rich. susi noticed there wuz a girl behind the candy bawr lookin bored asf. "who dat" susi asked.

zacks eyez lit up "oh dats maddy" cody butted in " zack in luv wit da maddy"

edwa went to go talk to london. "eyyy sweet thang" edwa told london. london gav edwa a dirty look. "zack who dis 8 year old"

edwa thot london wuz kewt. he totaly forgot all abut susi. susi wuz watchun edwa wit a evil eye. "i stg if that paris hilton wannabe trys to tuch edwa" susi thot.

sudanly a hsipanic man runs from the door. "who dis" susi asked.

the man introduced himself. "my name esteban julio ricardo montoya dela rosa ramirez"

"wHOAh dats a lot of namez" said susi. susi loked ova edwa wuz watchun london with eyez full of lust. susi wuz dun wit edwa's crap so she went to smechaela and smectoria hotel.

a/n edwa has no chill

edwa & susi Where stories live. Discover now