Aries - Mysterious and exclusive underground bar with drinks flowing
Taurus - Candles, a picnic and a blanket under the stars
Gemini - Take them somewhere they're never been, markets, festivals
Cancer - Cosy home cooked dinner, movies and cuddles
Leo - Dress them up for a luxe and exclusive night on the town
Virgo - A drive through the country side with a cosy dinner stop
Libra - Cool bars or clubs surrounded by cool people and flowing drinks
Scorpio - Somewhere dark, quiet, and intimate for food and deep conversation
Sagittarius - Festivals, forests, beaches, horseback riding, lots of drinking
Capricorn - exclusive restaurants with impressive food
Aquarius - Tarot readings, abstract art, midnight sessions
Pisces - Carnivals or movies followed by cuddles
Zodiac Signs
RandomFind out different things about your zodiac sign! What kind of lover are you? What makes your sign happy or upset? --Might not be completely accurate or might be spot on! My sign is Pisces :3 (Most from Tumblr)