The Signs in a Relationship

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Aries: Highkey jealous about everything/everyone. Comes off as a badass but is surprisingly overprotective of you.

Taurus: Worries about eVERYTHING they say or do. is probably always asking their friends how to reply to text messages.

Gemini: "do I really like them OR IS THIS JUST ANOTHER PHASE. Am I really ready for commitment?? do I really need this stress in my life rn??"

Cancer: "Why aren't they texting back itS BEEN .010137 SECONDS OH MY GOD THEYRE GOING TO BREAK UP WITH ME"

Leo: "ok but we're like the cutest couple ever"

Virgo: internally screaming 24/7

Libra: internally screaming bc they want to kiss you 24/7

Scorpio: sexts u nonstop

Sagittarius: wait a minute HOW DO YOU "RELATIONSHIP" agAIN?? I can't do this nvm I give up

Capricorn: "Sorry I kind of suck at this whole...liking somebody...thing.."

Aquarius: "For the love of God just leave me ALONE FOR 2 SECONDS. you're great and all but I need some ME TIME."

Pisces: Relates their relationship to every romantic song/poem/movie/anything ((ME.))

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