Chapter 12

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The next morning when she entered the dining room for breakfast Sylvia was alone and reading the paper.

"Good morning my dear, how was your evening out on the town with Reggie?

"It was fun," Georgia said, sitting across from her with a cup of coffee from the sideboard.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it."

Georgia hadn't slept well the night before, she had been up late pacing the floor and thinking of Ewan. Her late night must have shown because Sylvia regarded her closely but eventually she went back to reading her paper.

"As you know some of Renee's friends arrive today. Will you please see to the arrangements and make sure their rooms are prepared?"

"Of course anything else?"

"That's all for now, I am sure once they arrive there will be plenty to do."

Reggie entered the dining room with a smile for both ladies. "Good morning to my two favorite ladies." He kissed Sylvia's cheek before setting his phone and newspaper down on the table and moving towards the sideboard to fix himself a plate.

"Don't forget to be on your best behavior today Reggie. Renee's friends arrive."

"Yes, more women. I would enjoy some male bonding. Doesn't Renee have any male friends that she can invite to these weekends?" Reggie looked over his shoulder at Sylvia with a look of resignation on his face.

"Ewan is coming with his sister this trip. I haven't seen him in almost twenty years." Sylvia shook her head in disbelief at the thought.

"No he's not, we ran into him last night at the theater and he had to beg off. He said something came up unexpectedly," Reggie said with his back towards the two women so he missed Georgia as she paled at the mention of Ewan's name.

She set her coffee cup down harder than she had intended and it was like a gun shot in the silent room. She focused on her phone in front of her because she didn't dare look up at Sylvia, whose stare was drilling into her.

"Interesting, I wonder what was so important. I was looking forward to seeing him again."

Georgia knew the real reason and she was afraid that it would show on her face so she picked up her coffee, taking another sip not daring to take her eyes off of her phone.  She was hoping that she was presenting as if she was not really listening to their conversation.

"You never know with Mailler. I was telling Georgia that I had a bit of a man crush on him." Reggie joined them at the table.

"Is there such a thing?" Georgia could hear the frown in the older woman's voice.

"Yes, it's when a guy wants to be another guy." Reggie opened his paper.

"And you want to be Ewan?"

"For sure, the man has everything; wealth, power, looks, women, there isn't anything or anyone he can't have, and he is so cold and calculating as if nothing bothers or worries him. He's in total control."

"You met him last night at the theater didn't you Georgia? Is Reggie right, did he grow up to be handsome and powerful?"

Georgia was very uncomfortable with the conversation but a small part of her was amused. If Ewan could hear them he would be very uncomfortable as well. She looked up at Sylvia with a strained smile hovering. She had to play this just right. Too much interest would seem odd as would not enough.

"Ewan Mailler is a very handsome man and does appear to be in control of himself as most people are when they reach adulthood." Georgia looked over at Reggie as if to imply the fact that he still hadn't reached adulthood.

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