Chapter 15

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Georgia sat on her porch listening to the waves, her mind relentlessly reviewing her and Ewan's conversation. Why had she fought him? She should have just caved. If she had she would be with him now.

But something deep within her knew she was right. The world expected Ewan to marry a certain type of woman and she was not it, and eventually he would realize it. She reached up touching her cheeks realizing that tears were streaming down them. He loved her.  He had once told her that he didn't have it in him but he did, and it was her that he had chosen to love. That was everything.  Even if she couldn't have him at least she had his love.

There was a knock on her screen door and she looked up to see a shadow blocking out the moonlight.

"Georgia." Ewan's voice was rough.

She rose and moved to the screen door, unlatching it.

"I thought you had a meeting in London."

"I cancelled it. I heard Sylvia tell you to take a few days off before you left for London." He turned and latched the screen door behind him. "I had Craig cancel everything for this week, just in case."

He reached up and wiped the tears from her face. "Please don't cry."

He pulled her close as the sobs started. "I love you damn it and it's not easy!" she pounded on his chest a little.

"No, I don't imagine it is." He reached up and started to take the pins out of her hair. "But for the record you're a challenge too."

"You'll stay the week?"

"If you'll let me."

She nodded sniffling. "Where's your car?"

"I returned it and had a cab drop me at the end on the drive."

She pulled away from him and looked at him, frowning. "This doesn't mean that I'll marry you."

"Oh you'll marry me, but not until I ask you to. Which, for the record, I have yet to do."

Knowing that she never would she tried a different tactic. "Let's not talk about it," she said undoing his tie. "I have a better idea."

He stopped her hand.  "I like your idea but I do want to say one thing Georgia Dawson. I love you and I always get what I want."

"That's two things Ewan Mailler." Her humor restored at his words of love she led him into the house.

The next few days were bliss.  They stayed in the house and did nothing but enjoy each other's company. On the third day, a nice steady rain had set in and, after they had spent a lazy morning in bed, Georgia had made them mugs of coffee and a quiche for brunch while Ewan had rummaged through the closets and found some clothes to wear.

Some kindly soul had left a pair of blue jeans and a few t-shirts. The pants fit well but the t-shirts were a bit tight, a fact that Georgia didn't mind in the least, especially when they showed off his muscles and tattoo.

They were cuddled up on the porch swing, Ewan was reading the paper and Georgia was watching the rain sipping her coffee, thinking about how content she was and wishing the moment would never end, when there was a knock on the screen door.

She felt Ewan tense behind her and didn't have to turn around to know his mask had dropped into place.

"Reggie," she said, rising to unlock the screen door.

"Hello Georgia, sorry to barge in like this but I need to talk to Ewan about something." He looked at Ewan, "I tried calling your office and your cell Ewan but everyone said that you had taken some personal time so I had a hunch that I would find you here."                                               Reggie fell into a seat in front of the swing looking at Ewan closely. That he looked different was obvious.  He looked more dangerous now then he ever did in a suit.

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