Chapter 25

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Friday arrived sunny and beautiful, perfect for the kick off of the party. The majority of the guests were slated to arrive that evening with some arriving the following day.  The house had been in the Mailler family for generations and was massive. They were holding as many guests as they could in the home and those that they couldn't provide a bed for had rooms at the local inn in town or lived close enough to drive to and from the festivities.

Georgia, however, was anything but sunny and beautiful as she dealt with last minute problems and staffing issues. It seemed the caterers were having to call extra people from London and they wouldn't arrive until early afternoon which was cutting it close. At least with all the organized chaos surrounding her she barely had time to think or worry about the future which seemed very cold and empty.

Diana had actually been very helpful but was totally oblivious to Georgia's heartache. To her Ewan was just being who he always was and there was nothing to worry about. In a way it helped Georgia pretend that nothing was wrong. If Diana had treated the situation with pity she might have lost it.  As it was, in her room at night, all alone, she was close to losing it. 

How could she not be close to losing it? She had had him and she had let him go without a fight. It had been her choice and she was constantly reminding herself of all of the reasons why she had made such a stupid decision.  Now those reasons seemed so much less painful than the reality of not having Ewan. It wasn't like it had been when she left the first time, when she didn't know he loved her. This time she had had his love, felt it, and now she had nothing. She had pushed him away and he had listened to her. The stupid man.

"Georgia!" Diana called from across the vast green lawn. 

Georgia had spent the last hour supervising the installation of the lights, stage, and dance floor and she was hot, tired, and thirsty.

Diana was out of breath when she reached her. "We have a problem." 

Georgia bit back a groan as she turned from the men on ladders and walked back towards the house with Diana following her.

"One of the staff with the caterers..." Diana paused, whether it was for dramatic effect or because she was anxious to share the information was hard to tell. Georgia had the feeling that it was a little bit of both.

"One of the staff is Molly." She stopped reaching out for Georgia's arm stopping her.

Georgia shook her head.  Life wasn't on her side lately. "Have you seen her?"

Diana nodded and looked away, there was more.

"What Diana?" Georgia asked, trying her best not to be short with her.

"I don't think she saw me but I overheard her talking to some of the other staff.  She knows you're here and she's telling everyone who will listen everything that happened."

"Is that all," Georgia said as she started back towards the house.

"Is that all? Everyone will know, about Ewan, about you!"

"I don't care. What's the worst she can do?" The house was blissfully cool as they entered it. "I suggest that we just ignore her."

Georgia headed right for the dining room and stopped short when she saw Craig, Samantha, and Ewan sitting at the table eating and reviewing paper work. Her heart did the usual funny thing it did whenever she saw him. He had taken off his jacket, had his shirtsleeves rolled up, and was wearing his glasses.

"Ms. Dawson," he greeted as she stood staring at him.

"Ewan?" Diana asked from behind Georgia. "I thought you wouldn't be arriving until this evening?" She didn't seemed concerned in the least by her brothers sudden appearance as she made for the sideboard and started making her a plate of food.

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