Chapter 22

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Georgia had had a busy day and she was exhausted as she climbed the stairs to her room, thinking about what she was going to wear. Ewan had said that they would be dining somewhere nice but she knew she hadn't packed anything for the type of nice he had in mind.

Moria had said that she wanted to eat somewhere fancy and she had no doubt that Ewan was intent on making it a night to remember. She stopped with the sudden realization that this would qualify as a date. While they had been out and about while traveling they had never done so in London, on his home turf.

She hadn't been nervous before but now she had a strong feeling of foreboding. Ewan wasn't going to take them to some little cheap hamburger joint and a movie, he would go four star all the way. Her thoughts circled back around to the fact that she had nothing to wear. She sighed as she looked at the time on her phone, there would be no chance to go and buy anything either.

Walking into her room and turning on the light, she saw a box on her bed. Instead of racing towards it, she eyed it like it was a venomous snake that would bite her at any moment. After a few minutes of staring at it she set her phone down and moved towards it slowly, pulling it towards her.

When she opened it there was tissue paper hiding what lay within the box and a note. Picking up the note, which she noticed was on Ewan's personal stationary, she opened it with shaking hands.

                                  "My Love,

She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face, it was in Ewan's own handwriting and he had called her his love. Her hands shook more as she continued to read.

                                    Please, don't throw this out the window.

Georgia couldn't help but laugh as she heard his voice saying the words.

                                   Contrary to your words from earlier today, I do not wish to dress you. In fact, I much prefer it when you wear nothing at all. I do however, know how stubborn you are, and you probably have nothing suitable to wear this evening since you only packed your little starched suits. When I saw this, the color of it reminded me of your eyes. If you insist on wearing one of your little suits, so be it, but I will still have you on my arm this evening.

                                   It has been only you and it will always be only you.          


Georgia's heart was thumping hard, and she thought it would burst from her chest as she felt it expand when she read his last words again. Slowly, she set the note aside and opened the tissue paper.

Nestled in the box was beautiful violet colored dress. It stopped just above her knees and was gathered to one side at the waist. The sleeves were three quarter length and off the shoulder. It was stunning. Also in the box, was a pair of black peep toe heels and a small clutch purse.

A knock at her door made her jump. "Come in," she called. She was hoping it was Ewan and was disappointed to see Ruth.

"Did you get the dress?" Ruth asked as she peeked around the door?"

"I did." Georgia smiled, holding it up for her to see.

"It's beautiful. I hope you don't mind, but Mr. Mailler came to me and asked me what size you wore so I had to peek at some of your clothes." Ruth looked uncomfortable.  She was no doubt remembering the scene with Molly.

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