Chapter 20

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Georgia was sitting at a table in the sun room at the back of the house going over her lists before she started her day.  She had done her best to not think about the previous evening because when she did tears threatened and she didn't have time for tears.

For the umpteenth time she reminded herself that she was there to do a job.  She was surprised she still had one after last night, but no one had told her to pack her bags so she would do her job, finish planning the party, and get the hell out of dodge. If one thing had been proven last night it was that she didn't belong in Ewan's world, and there was no way that Ewan would be able to ever convince her otherwise.

She had moved her attention away from the papers in front of her and had focused on the world outside the window. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining through the leaves of the trees and she watched the shadows as they played on the fabric of the window seat, wishing that she could spend the day with Ewan. Georgia was so lost in the memories of the past that she didn't hear the door behind her open but she did feel the atmosphere in the room change and she knew it was Ewan.

She didn't bother to turn her head as he approached and she closed her eyes when she felt his hands on her shoulders and a kiss on her neck. How could such a simple touch affect her so much? She was putty in his hands.

"I do like this blouse," he said as he rubbed his warm hands over the soft fabric on her arms.

"So you've said." She cleared her throat but didn't move as he sat at the table next to her. Ewan was silent as he waited for her to turn and look at him and she had to steel herself to do so, but as soon as she saw him she had to look away. He was her Ewan today, looking relaxed in a pair of cargo shorts, a t-shirt, which was a little too tight and showed off his tattoo, and flip-flops. It made it even harder to fight against him.

"I thought you might be hiding in here," he said, taking her chin in his hand and turning her face to look at him. "You look pale." He took her face in his hands rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. Georgia couldn't help the tear that snuck out an he leaned down and kissed it away.

"Only a few more days my love."

A comment which made absolutely no sense but which she promptly forgot about as he placed his lips on hers for a more than satisfactory kiss. After a few moments he pulled away. "What is this I hear about you staying in one of the maid's rooms?"

Georgia tensed waiting for a lecture, when it didn't come she dared to look up at him.

"Thank you, that's one of the reasons why I love you so much. You always put others first.  No one has a bigger heart than you do Georgia. If I asked Mrs. Charles to move your things into my room would you let her?"

"No," Georgia said in barely a whisper as she fought back the tears at his easy words of love.

He gave a patient smile. "I didn't think so."

At that moment Mrs. Charles entered the room with a tray of coffee and two cups and it was a credit to her that she didn't bat an eye at the change in Ewan's attire.  Georgia doubted that she had ever seen him dressed so casually but she seemed not to notice.

"We're serving breakfast on the terrace this morning.  It seemed to go so well last night that we thought we would repeat it today," Mrs. Charles said before pouring them out two cups of coffee.

"Your numbers will be fewer this afternoon and evening, Mrs. Charles.  We'll most likely have lunch out, and I plan to take Georgia and the Shealys out to dinner this evening." He was watching Georgia closely. "You will be able to have dinner with us, won't you?"

Georgia nodded silently, taking a sip of her warm coffee, glad of the familiarity of the beverage at that moment. At least somethings remained the same. She would think about what dinner with Ewan meant later. Mrs. Charles nodded and didn't linger as she turned and left them alone, silently closing the door behind her.

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