Chapter 1

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Jacob smugly climbed behind Connie on her motorbike. He softly wrapped his arms around her waste as she started up the motorbike.

"Ready?" Connie asked, a smile hidden behind her helmet.

"You bet sweetcheeks." Jacob smirked.

The motorbike set off and within fifteen minutes Connie and Jacob arrived at a restaurant, which not to Jacob's surprise was very high standards.

"Mrs B, are you trying to impress me?" Jacob asked as they both took off their helmets.

"What. Of course not. I thought I already had." Connie joked. She hadn't really been this happy since before Grace had got taken away from her. Jacob took Connie's hand in his causing her to snap out her thoughts.

"Table for two I'm guessing." Said the worker at the door of the restaurant. Connie smiled and nodded. The worker picked up two menus and signalled for them both to follow him to a table.

The table was right next to a window looking out onto the semi-busy street. Jacob pulled out Connie's seat for her.

"Why thank you Staff Nurse Masters." She smiled as she took her seat.

"No problem." Jacob replied. The two opened their menus and had a look at what they would have. Jacob decided to wait until Connie had chosen her meal so he could get something that didn't cost as much as hers.

"Jacob don't worry about the cost. It's my treat." Connie said.

"You're really making me feel a lot less like a gentleman Connie. It should be me paying for the meal." Jacob sighed. Connie just shook her head at him.

"I was the one who asked you to dinner." She clarified.

"Excuse me are you ready to order?" A waitress said.

"Yes I believe we are." Jacob smiled.

After some small talk and a meal Connie and Jacob were just waiting on the bill .

"Wishing you had went with the others for drinks?" Connie jokingly asked Jacob as she took her last sip of wine.

"Hmm, let me think." Jacob replied. "A night out getting drunk and arguing over who is buying the next round of drinks with co-workers or sitting down having a date with the boss. What do you think?"

"I'm guessing that's a no then." Connie giggled. Suddenly the waitress came back with their bill.

"Here's your bill, just leave it on the table." The waitress said.

"Thank you." Connie smiled. The waitress smiled back then walked away. The meal and drinks came to forty pound in total and Jacob insisted on paying half and wouldn't take no as an answer.

"Fine twenty each then." Connie sighed in defeat. "But I'll be paying the tip." They both put down twenty pound each along with Connie putting down the tip. The two of them both headed out of the restaurant and went to Connie's motorbike.

"So, are you staying with me again or do you want to go home?" Connie asked.

"I'm guessing this is you hinting to me that you enjoyed last night or you just can't get enough of me." Jacob laughed smugly.

"Don't push it Jacob. I can easily just drive out of here." Connie joked as he kissed her on the cheek. The two of them both climbed back onto the motorbike and set off.

Suddenly the bike started sliding as they were reaching a van going around the roundabout.

"Connie?" Jacob said, alarmed at Connie's sudden loss of control.

"Jacob I can't control the bike! We've hit ice." Connie shouted, not sure what do she slammed her hand on the break but it failed to do anything. All it did was make them hurdle towards the van even faster. Jacob's hands were wrapped around her tightly as they came in contact with the van. Connie let out a sudden scream as they crashed straight into it. The van came to an almost immediate stop. The driver rushing out to see what had happened.

"Oh my God! Are you two okay?" The driver said with a thick Scottish accent. Jacob slowly lifted his head to notice that the driver had cuts on his face from the impact.

"I think so --- Connie!" Jacob ended up yelling as he noticed his boss hanging half off the bike covered in blood. "Call an ambulance!" Jacob ordered the driver. The driver quickly brought out his phone and called 999 leaving Jacob trying to help Connie. He was close to tears when suddenly Connie spoke.

"Jacob?" Was all she could say before she completely lost consciousness.

"The ambulance will be five minutes." The driver said, obviously in shock. Then again so was Jacob.

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