Chapter 2

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The ambulance was at the scene within five minutes like the driver had said and not that long after a second arrived.

"Jacob? Connie?" The two people who came out from the ambulance were Dixie and Iain.

"What are you two doing here? I thought your shifts finished." Jacob asked.

"Yeah we got called back out for an emergency, funnily enough it was you two." Dixie said. "Oh my God, Connie! Can I get a stretcher please." Dixie yelled.

"Jacob are you okay? Any injuries?" Iain asked.

"Just my leg." Jacob answered. There was a large piece of glass stuck in his leg.

"Let's get you guys into the ambulance quickly." Iain said.

"Listen, don't worry about me. Just make sure Connie is alright." Jacob ordered. Iain and Dixie exchanged glances with each other as if sending each other telepathic messages.

"Uh Iain..." Dixie said suddenly, causing Jacob to panic.

"Yeah Dix?" Iain asked.

"Connie's pulse is deteriorating - fast. We need to get them back to the ED now!" Dixie clarified. Suddenly two of the other ambulance drivers came with a stretcher for Connie. "Okay three, two, one, lift!" Jacob was scared, he couldn't lose Connie, not after everything he had been through.

"Right Jacob, come on. We need to hurry before we lose Connie's pulse completely." Iain uttered.

It wasn't long before they all arrived back at the ED. Dixie and other paramedics rushed Connie into the hospital whilst Iain helped Jacob.

"Iain, I need to be with Connie!" Jacob said, panic stirring in his voice.

"Jacob, you held her hand the whole way here, refused all pain relief and have glass stuck in your leg. You are going to get seen to before you rush off with Connie." Iain ordered Jacob. Before Jacob could say another word Lily had already came down to them.

"Jacob?" Lily said, astonished to see the Staff Nurse with a huge bit of glass wedged in his leg. "Right come on." Lily placed her hand on Jacob's back as he tried to place him in a wheelchair but Jacob immediately resisted.

"I'm not getting seen to until I know Connie is safe!" Jacob shouted.

"Wait, Connie's here? I sure have missed a lot. But Jacob you really need to get seen to, I will check up on Connie for you, she might be in resus." Lily explained.

"Lily you don't understand! The woman I love could be dying in there for all I know! I need to see her!" Jacob started limping away to where he had seen Connie getting wheeled.

Connie had been moved into a bed in resus and was getting all the glass from her body removed.

"What have you gotten yourself into Connie?" Zoe mumbled as she removed a shard of glass from Connie's right arm.

"Is there anyone we should call?" Said Lofty, who had been called back in for an emergency shift. Zoe thought for a moment, wondering whether her idea would be good or not.

"Jacob's already been admitted so that only leaves Grace... phone her." Zoe said. Lofty was speechless for a moment before he walked to the reception desk to call Grace.

"Hello?" Said a male voice on the phone.
"Hello Sam, I'm calling from the ED about Connie Beauchamp. Is, eh, Grace there?" Lofty stuttered.
"Excuse me? May I ask why my daughters mother is in the ED?"
"Uhm, Connie has been involved in a motorbike crash and is in a critical condition in resus. Now can I please speak to Grace." Lofty heard Sam shout on Grace in the background.
"Hello?" Grace said.
"Hi Grace, this is Lofty from the ED. I'm calling about your mother, Connie Beauchamp."
"What's wrong with her?" Grace sounded scared. Lofty took a deep breath before replying.
"She's been involved in a serious motorbike accident and is in a critical condition in resus." Lofty explained. "We thought you should know." Lofty heard Grace shout something in the background to Sam.
"I'll be there as soon as I can be." Grace said and without giving Lofty a chance to reply she hung up the phone. Lofty sighed before making his way back to resus where he came across Jacob.

"Jacob? What are you doing?" He asked.

"I need to see Connie." Jacob replied.

"She's in resus Jacob, you know that means no visitors." Lofty said. Jacob let out a sigh, realising that he had made the same stupid decision he told patients' relatives not to do. "Listen mate, go get yourself checked out. I'll come tell you if anything with Connie's condition changes. Deal?"

"Deal. Thanks Lofty. Can I just ask though, how is she?" Jacob said with a small smile.

"Hard to say, she was still unconscious when I last seen her before I called Grace. She might need theatre though." Lofty explained. Jacob was shocked that Grace had been called.

"You called Grace?" He asked.

"Yeah, uh Jacob I'm gonna need to go back to Connie. When grace comes can you tell her how Connie is?" Lofty replied before rushing back to resus leaving Jacob alone. Jacob decided to go get his leg checked out so he could try and keep his eye out for Grace.

It was going to be a long night.

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