Chapter 3

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   As early dawn rose over the ED, Grace was just arriving. She rushed into the hospital ahead of her father. Grace was worried about her mothers condition. Jacob was sat near the reception desk, waiting on Grace. He had been told that Connie had been unconscious for the whole time and they needed her to wake up so they could take her up to theatre. Jacob noticed Grace coming though the double doors at reception with a worried expression on her face.

"Excuse me? Are you Grace?" Jacob asked her.

"Uhm, yes. How do you know who I am?" Grace said alarmingly.

"I'm Jacob, I'm your mothers---" Jacob noticed Grace's father Sam approach his daughter.

"Your my mothers what?" Grace asked.

"I'm your mothers friend. I'm a Staff Nurse here. I'm good friends with your mum. I was in the crash with her. The nurse who called you, Lofty told me to tell you how your mum is." Jacob said kindly.

"So, Jacob was it? Can we go and see Connie?" Sam asked before adding: "I'm Sam, Grace's father." Jacob was going to tell him that they couldn't until he noticed Grace looking up at him with a glint of hope and distress in her eyes.

"I'll, uhm, I'll ask." Jacob attempted to smile confidently. "Can you two wait here?"

"Jacob please can I come? I need to make sure my mum is okay." Grace said, she sounded really upset. Jacob just couldn't say no to her.

"I'll wait here." Sam said. Jacob nodded and took Grace's hand and took her to the door of resus.

Once they arrived at resus Jacob asked Grace to wait outside so he could make sure she would be allowed to see Connie.

"Lofty, Zoe?" Jacob asked as he walked in.

"Jacob, you know you can be in here." Zoe said.

"Grace is here. Please, she needs to see her mum." Jacob pleaded. Zoe sighed.

"Right you get five minutes." Zoe gave in. Suddenly Connie's eyes started flickering.

"Jacob?" Connie asked weakly. Lofty nodded Jacob towards Connie as he went to let Grace in.

"Oh my god... Con." Jacob said. Connie noticed Jacob had a slight laceration on the side of his face.

"Jacob. I-I'm so sorry." Connie sniffled as she placed her hand on the side of his face. A tear started running down her cheek and it was then Jacob realised this was the most vulnerable he had ever seen Connie look.

"Hey, hey. It's alright sweetcheeks. We're both okay, in fact I think there's someone here who wants to see you." Jacob smiled comfortingly. With that, Grace quickly ran over to her mum bedside.

"Mummy!" She shrieked.

"Grace? Oh my God, Grace." Connie took Grace into a deep embrace. "My baby. Why are you here?"

"Dad and I got phoned by the hospital." Grace said as she still clung to her mothers embrace. "Daddy and I came to see you whilst daddy's girlfriend booked us into a hotel not to far from the hospital." Both Connie and Grace came out of the hug and Connie took the hand of both her daughter and Jacob.

"Well, seeing as your father had a girlfriend I guess I should introduce you to my---" Connie suddenly shouted in pain, causing her to let go of both Jacob and Grace. "Zoe, what's wrong with me?" Zoe quickly scanned across the monitors. Noticing Connie's heart rate had increased.

"Uh Connie, I think there's a chance you may have another injury from the accident. It could be an internal bleed. We need to get you to theatre now!" Zoe said. "Sorry to cut your moment short but Jacob, Grace, you have to go. Lofty take them to the relatives room."

"Mummy!" Grace exclaimed.

"It's okay baby, I'll be fine-- ah." Connie said. She took quick grip of Jacob's hand and mouthed 'Look after her.' Before Lofty rushed them both out. Grace was on the edge of tears as they left.

"Lofty, can you go take Sam to the relatives room? I want to speak to Grace, maybe I can calm her down." Jacob whispered. Lofty nodded. "Meet you there." Lofty rushed away to get Sam.

"Jacob?" Grace sniffled. "What's going to happen to my mum?"

"She's going to be taken upstairs and they are going to see if any of your mums insides have been injured." Jacob explained. By this point there were tears running down Grace's face. "Hey, Grace. Don't cry. Your mum wouldn't want you to be upset, she'd want you to be strong, like her. Can you do that for me Grace, for your mum?" Grace wiped away her tears and took a deep breath.

"Okay. Thank you Jacob." Grace sighed. Grace took hold of Jacob's hand as they walked towards the relatives room.


Hey readers! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Sorry if it sort of rambles on, I usually write this pretty late at night so yeah, thanks for reading. Make sure to leave feedback so I can make the story even better.


Also Grace and Sam are back as was shown in the winter trailer! I cannot watch it without crying when Connie is telling Grace that sending her away was the worst thing that she ever did, it's just so upsetting! So yeah, I'll probably bring some aspects of the trailer/future episode into this fanfic.

Anyway, thanks again for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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