Remember Me?

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Hey guys. Wattpad messed this up. The next chapter is the prologue so go ahead and read that first. Thanks!

**Chloe's POV**

I handed my best friend, Stacy, her birthday present. She tore it open and giggled when she saw it.

"Ooh Chloe! I absolutely love it!" she squealed as she held up a shirt that said "Future Wife of Harry Styles". I smiled.

"Happy sweet seventeen, my friend! When I was at the store buying it, the cashier muttered, 'I don't see why all the teenagers are so obsessed with this band.' and she gave me the strangest look when I replied 'Me neither!'" I said, and Stacy and I burst into a fit of giggles.

"I know just where to wear it!" She said bouncing up and down on her bed. I swear she's secretly twelve.

"Where would that be?" I asked.

"For my birthday, my uncle got me two tickets to the One Direction concert! Front row seats!"

"Cool!" I said.

"Oh it gets better!" Cried Stacy, "after I found out, I entered in a contest and won two backstage passes! Me and you are gonna have SO much fun!"

"We were," I thought, "until you got the backstage passes." It wasn't that I didn't like 1D, it's that going backstage meant meeting them, which meant having to face HIM again.


I really didn't want to be backstage at a One Direction concert, but I was. Stacy persuaded me to go, like she always does.

"Can you believe we're about to meet One Direction!" Stacy practically screamed in my ear.

"I know," I tried to say excitedly. Truth was, I was hyperventilating, totally nervous about having to face the boy I embarrassed myself in front of six years ago.

As we stopped in front of the door that read "One Direction" I tried to think some reasonable excuse to not go in, but it was no use. Stacy knocked on the door and swooned when a British accent from inside said, "Come in!" She opened the door with so much force it made me jump. The tall one with curly brown hair who I knew to be Harry stood up and addressed Stacy.

"Hello! Let me guess...are you Stacy?"

"Y-y-yes! I'm so excited to finally meet you!" She stuttered. I thought she was going to faint dead away on the spot. Harry laughed.

"The pleasure is all mine." Another boy with lighter brown hair stood up to greet me. I didn't really pay attention when Stacy showed me who was who, but something in the back of my mind said "Louis." As it turned out, I was right!

"Which makes you Chloe! I'm Louis." He said as he shook my hand.

"That would be me!" I said. Just then, a black haired boy with a blonde streak and another light brown haired boy with brown/hazel eyes walked around the corner, I swear this dressing room was bigger than my bedroom and guest room with the space in between them combined!

"Y-you're Zayn and Liam!" Stacy half screamed. They both laughed.

"Yep!" said the brown haired boy, "That would be us!" I had to admit, the British accent is cuter then I remember.

"Sorry that Niall isn't here yet, ladies. He takes so much time with his hair, by the time he's ready for the show, the show's already over!" Zayn said in a mock tone. Everyone laughed and I pretended to, silently hoping that he would take so long we had to go to our seats before he came out.

During a truly funny story about a mishap during an interview, I realized I had to go to the bathroom. I tried to think of a reason to need to go that wasn't the actual reason. Finally, I came up with one.

"I hate to interrupt this story, but I need to check on my makeup, can one of you please direct me to the bathroom?" I said in my sweetest voice. Liam thrust his head toward the hall.

"First door on the right, love, but if it means anything, I think you look absolutely wonderful now." He said with a wink. I felt myself blushing as I walked out towards my destination. Did a international popstar seriously just flirt with me, the red headed outcast?

As I came out, I ran into someone.

"Oh, exscu-"

"Chloe? Is that really you?" I looked up into the baby blue eyes that I remembered oh so well.

"Hi, Niall." I managed to squeak out.



So sorry it's short, but I was camping! I promise the next one will be longer!! So...what do you think? Did I have anyone fooled about who the brown haired boy was??? Lol probably not! What all does Liam know?? Is Harry attracted to Chloe?? Has Louis had enough carrots?? Haha sorry I'm a rambler...better stop now before I ramble some more!

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