Chapter 2

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**Chloe's POV**

"Chloe! I can't believe it's really you! You're the Chloe with the backstage passes!" With that I was squished into one of the largest (and might I add tightest!) bear hugs I have ever received.

"You're...blonde!" I said as I looked over my former best friend. He was still taller than me, but short, though that wasn't surprising. His teeth were perfectly straight, so he must have gotten braces some point. He was....blonde! He was seriously b-l-o-n-d-e! He laughed really hard at my surprise, and said,

"Yes, I surely am mate! Glad you still recognized me!" I backed up a little bit and eyed him up and down. Yep, he was still as beautiful as he was when I was eleven. I couldn't let it show, though.

"When did this happen?" I demanded. He laughed that sweet,sweet laugh again.

"A few months after you left. And before you can ask- I did it so people could call me Leprechaun!" I laughed too, because, I had to admit, that was pretty cute that he would go through all that trouble just to live up to his favorite nickname.

"Well," I said, and cue the awkward silence!

"I guess we better be getting back to me mates, before they come in here yelling that I take too long!" He said with a chuckle. I faked a giggle, why was this STILL so uncomfortable!

"Yes," I agreed, "Stacy will be extremely mad if she doesn't get to meet ALL of One Direction."

"Ah," said Niall, "we don't want to keep the lady waiting! Shall we?" He extended his elbow, and I nervously took it, hoping that it didn't confirm I still liked him.

As we entered the room, Niall embarrassed me in front of all of them!

"ATTENTION!" He yelled, "THE PRINCESS OF IRELAND HAS ARRIVED!" Classic Niall. Stacy stood there with her mouth gaping open, while the other four boys all play-bowed. Niall laughed as my face turned the deepest shade of red possible. "Boys, though you probably did not realize it, this is my best friend from my childhood!"

"Oh, you're THAT Chloe!" Liam snickered. A flicker of fear probably flashed across my face; what has Niall told them?

"Oh, c'mon, mates, you're embarrassing the poor lady!" Harry said, shoving them as he walked over to me. He held out his arm and said, "I will be a PROPER gentleman, and escort the lovely lady to her seat! Louis?"

"Ah, yes!" Louis said and he held out his arm to Stacy. As we walked out the door, I saw the greenest look of envy on Stacy's face as I was being escorted by her favorite band member. I turned around to get a glance a Niall again, and was taken aback by what I saw. The same expression was on Liam's face and also....Niall's?!? I decided to pick back at him.

"Hey, Niall," I called, "pull up your pants!"


"Here you are, loves, finest seats in the house!" Louis said. They weren't kidding. We really did have front row seats. As in row 1!

"Why, thank you!" Stacy giggled and I rolled my eyes. First Harry, now Louis. I'm probably going to have to find a "Future Wife of Zayn" shirt for Christmas!

"Can I get you anything? Maybe a snack or something to drink?" Harry asked. Ok, now that's sweet!

"No, thank you, but thank you for offering!" I said, thinking about how weird that sentence must sound. Harry and Louis both flashed the most adorable smiles ever (well, almost the most) and Harry said,

"Alright! We'll see you during the show!" Louis winked and Stacy swooned again. With that they walked away. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see a bunch of tweens with a mixture of shocked and jealous faces.

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