Chapter 7

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***Niall' POV***

I go to the kitchen to grab a midnight snack. When I get in there, I see Liam sitting at the kitchen table eating a bag of crisps.

"Well, well, well! Look who's here!" I say. I grab the stuff to make a grilled cheese. Liam rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, like you aren't here every other night."

"That would be because I live here."

"In the kitchen?"

"Yep." We both laugh. I put my grilled cheese on the pan to uhh...grill it.

"So, how long have you known her?" I look at Liam with a confused face. "Chloe."

"Oh," I say, "ever since she was born. My mum has pictures of me holding her as a baby."

"That's sweet. I'm assuming your pa knew her parents?"

"Yeah, our dads were best mates. We were too, until she moved."

The silence again takes over. I sit down with my grilled cheese next to Liam.

"Do we have anything to do tomorrow?" I ask.

"Umm, no," Liam shakes his head, "we're actually free for once."

I grin. "What should we do tomorrow?"

"How about we see a movie? Invite Chloe, too. You know, as a sort of Welcome to England thing?" Liam offers.

"Sounds good! I'll ring her tomorrow!"

"Alright! Well, I'm going to go to bed. Good night, Niall."

"Goodnight, Liam."


***next day, still Niall's POV***

I dial Chloe's number, wondering if she figured out we snuck our numbers into her mobile.

Duh! I mentally smack myself. She's not an idiot.

"Who's not an idiot?"

Oh shoot.

"Hey, Chloe! It's Niall!"

"Hello, Niall. Whatcha need?" Straight and too the point. That's definitely her.

"Well, Liam and I were wondering if you wanted to come see a movie with us. Harry and Louis will be there, but not Zayn. He has a date with his girlfriend Perrie."

"Aw, that's sweet. What movie are you mates planning to see?" I can still hear traces of an Irish accent in her voice. Adorable.

Wait, what did I just think?

"Man of Steel. You in?" I say.

"Of course, Niall! What time do I need to meet you? Oh, and where?"

I glance at the clock. 11:13. "How about I pick you up at 12:15, we hit McDonald's, and then see the 1:15 showing?"

"Sounds good! See you then, leprechaun!" I grin like an idiot when she calls me that.

"See you then, lassie!" I hang up. Who knows, maybe it wasn't me she was uncomfortable with me, maybe she's just nervous around the other boys.


***Chloe's POV***

After I hang up with Niall, I run upstairs and dig through my bags for my Superman shirt. Me and dad had been going to see this movie, but our plans fell through. I change, and decide to do something with my hair to pass the time. I decide to French braid my hair upside down. This way, it'll look like there's a braid just kind of floating on my head, because you can't see where I picked up the extra pieces.

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