Chapter 3

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***Chloe's POV***

Oh. My. Freakin. Word.

I hate it when someone touches my hair! I seriously can't stand it! I responded with my natural reaction to this. I grabbed the person's wrist and pulled. When I turned, I was face to face with

Niall Horan.

I quickly let go. As he backed up, he winked at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms. He, of all people, should know about my problem with people touching my head, though I have to admit, I kinda enjoyed him teasing me. It's what we used to always do. Stacy elbowed me and gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head.

"You were too busy watching the wall to notice, but Niall was watching you the whole song!" she said.

"Just because he was singing in this direction, doesn't mean he was singing to me."

She huffed, and focused her attention back to the boys.

"Oh, no way! This is They Don't Know About Us! This is like my favorite song ever!" Stacy squealed. I laughed, but my mind kept returning to what she had said. Could he really have been singing to me? I brushed the thought away. It was impossible.

I danced and sang along with Stacy for the rest of the concert. It was fun, and I'm glad that I went.


"It's time to get up! C'mon, Peterson lets get moving!"

I open one eye to black hair all around my face and blue eyes staring me down.

"Go away, jerkface!" I say and roll over.

"Well, if that's what I get for telling you that my mom's making wa-"

I'm at the staircase before Stacy could finish her sentence.

I run down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mrs. Thompson!" I say as I say sit down at their bar.

"Hello, dear! I see Stacy woke you up."

I smile the best you can when your face is full of the most delicious waffles you've ever eaten.

Stacy walks in and sits next to me. I swallow.

"Thanks for waiting!" she said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" I say.

She rolls her eyes.

"So how was the concert last night?" Mrs. Thompson asks.

"hjfkkwhdiuucnjgf" Stacy says.

"How about I tell some stuff about it since my mouth isn't over-flowing with food?" I say.

"Rare moment." Mrs. Thompson playfully teases me.

Yeah, I'm a foodie. Haters gonna hate!

"Well, Stacy almost passed out three times. First, when Harry guessed her name. Second, when Louis called her 'love.' And third, when Zayn winked at her during 'Kiss You.'"

"And Niall and Chloe were best friends when she lived in Ireland and he teased her during the whole concert!" Stacy said.

Great, now you stop eating?

"Why didn't we here of this?" Mrs. Thompson playfully asked.

"Well, it explains why you voted for them, like, a gazillion times when they were on the X Factor UK!" Stacy says.

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