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^^ Layla's Outfit ^^

Layla p.o.v.

So the girls and I scoot chairs over and sit with the boys. Sebastian smiles/smirks  at me and I blush like a stupid person. God I'm messing this up already... "Hey y'all," I say to break the ice. "Hey girl," Sebastian says with a smirk. I'm blushing even crazier now. "Wassup J, Mari, and Rai." Jamal, Amari, and Raiden are all friends of mine so I have (multiple) weird, crazy, and regular nicknames for them. "Sup Lay." "Heyy Lay Lay." "Hey." Nobody else was really talking so I started singing Power Trip by J. Cole. I didn't think I was that loud until I got to the chorus a second time and everyone started clapping and this one guy handed a me a five (never ones!! lml qveenB_only13). "Well then..." "Girl that was really good!" Malai said. "I didn't mean to be that loud though. Oops I guess." What is life everybody keeps looking at me... I get that I was singing all loud and stuff but can't a girl eat froyo in peace?! Finally the girls and guys start talking. "Sebastian?" "Yees??" he says in a cute voice. "Can I see your phone really quick?" "Mhmm." He puts the password into his white iPhone 6 and hands it to me. I go on contacts and add a contact for me with my number in it. Then I go to kik add my account and send hi. Then I go on Snapchat, add myself and hack his snap, posting a cute selfie of myself and save it to his gallery. Then I go to Instagram and follow myself. Also I post the Snapchat selfie and comment hacked by bae with a bunch of emojis. I pass his phone back and as he looks at what I did he laughs and winks at me.

Sebastian p.o.v. 

I put my password in and hand my phone to Layla. I think she's on Snapchat because I see her take a selfie. She hands me the phone back and I laugh. I wanted to ask her for all her account names and stuff but I didn't want to sound weird or pushy. I could've asked the other guys because they all have her number and stuff. But then if I got it out of nowhere and texted her she would be like how did you get my number and I would be like hmmm.... you see what had happened was... We all finish eating froyo and talking then we all get on our penny boards and go home. As soon as I get home I text her. Man, I think I'm catching feelings.

I hope y'all liked this! I'm on currently on intercession (3 week break) so I'll be able to update both of my books more often! See y'all soon.



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