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Today these teachers decide to give us three projects! One for social studies, one for science, and one for differentiated studies. The science project has a whole bunch of requirements. It would've been open ended, but some chick in my class named Karen decided to ask where the rubric was, so now we have requirements. The social studies project is so easy. Why? Because it's all about Moi! The differentiated studies project is to make this t shirt about our career plan. Not too much work but still!

Right now I'm in 7th period and Karen is walking around on her knees holding a meter stick singing the Father Abraham song from Sunday School. Poor Karen... I'm going to pray for her a lot tonight. Yes it's time to go to 8th period.

Mrs. Duvalli is so chill. I love her. Right now I'm listening to some 5 sauce and playing Covet Fashion on my phone. 30 minutes until it's time to go home. Too bad I have to ride the stinky bus. Nobody likes the stinky old cheese bus.

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