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      ** Kahlil Underwood is Amari**                                                                         

McKenzie p.o.v

I seriously do NOT want to go to band today. I'm tired and hungry. That school breakfast did NOT fill me up. I just don't feel like playing today. I'm just going to leave my instrument in my locker and say I forgot it. I've done that before and I don't have to play, I get to talk or do work for other classes. Okay, instrument is in my locker, time to get to band.

"Good morning Mr.Pearson" I said. "Good morning McKenzie, Do you have your instrument?" "No sir, I left it at home." "Oh okay well you can go talk or do work, we aren't really doing anything today anyway." See what did I tell you! I see Amari walk into the classroom. He spots me and walks over. "Hey girl." God, he is so gorgeous! His skin is soft too. (Picture of Amari above minus tattoos) "Hey Amari." 

"Okay good morning class it's time for everyone to finish up breakfast and be quiet" Mr. Pearson says. Amari sits right behind me so he sits down and starts playing with my hair. Then he whispers in my ear "your hair is soft" . "Okay guys it's Friday and I don't really have anything planned for the day... so y'all can talk or whatever." I turn around in my seat to face Amari. I wonder if he likes me as much as I like him.... "Aaammmmaaaarrriii" I say, dragging out his name. "Yes Keeennnnzzziiieee?" "Hey." "Really?" "Yeah" I say smiling. He starts to giggle. I really don't know why... Does he... like me??

                                                                             Amari p.o.v

McKenzie is so beautiful!!! I think she might like me. I mean she drops obvious hints sometimes. And I mean... look at me! Just playing, I'm not all that self centered. Well I know for sure that I like her.

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