The Demon and The Rebel

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I had to...
Mike's POV

Antonio perry. I thought about that name a lot, what it could mean, what it stood for, what kind of power it held. Antonio perry was said to be a demon, or just an evil being (depending on who you heard the story from). He was said to have powers, abilities that even the most powerful of mythical beasts couldn't even fathom. My grandmother used to tell me his story every night before bed.

"Be careful" she would say "listen to your mother, or one day Antonio will come and take you away, never to be seen or heard from again" she would finish. She always would turn out the light and leave just after the story, and of course, as a small child, I was scared shitless.

Up until I knew better I always did what my elders had told me to do, afraid that if I didn't this demonic entity would come and take me away from my family. Now though, now I was my own person, 16, independent, and ready to live my life the way I want.

"For christ's sake mother!" I yelled, my voice echoing off of the walls. "This is the last time I'm going to tell you!" I shouted, grabbing my jacket and heading towards the door, opening it. "I'm going out with Christian  tonight and that's final!" I finished. I walked out the door and slammed it shut.

Just a little piece of information for you, I'm gay. I'm gayer than a unicorn barfing glitter, on a double rainbow, over Liberty avenue, during a pride parade. Another piece of information, Christian is the name of my lovely boyfriend. He was leaning against his car that was parked on the opposite side of the street. I walked over to him and flashed a small, forced, smile.

"Hey boyfriend" he greeted me, grabbing my hips and giving me a small kiss. His small gesture made me smile. I gave him a quiet "hey" in return before hopping into the passenger side of the car. We ended up spending all evening and most of the night together. We got dinner at a small restaurant, then went to the arcade, and after we walked along the beach before sitting on a bench up by the sidewalk.

In one word my night was perfect. My mom wasn't necessarily approving of my gayness, but she let me do my own thing. I don't know why she doesn't like Christian though; he's a nice guy, gets good grades, is in almost all of the school clubs, plays sports, and goes to church every Wednesday and Friday, I honestly can't find a single flaw in him.

I walked up to my front door, I turned the knob but it was locked. "Oh come on!" I yelled, looking up at my moms bedroom window, her light was on so I knew she was still home. I grumbled under my breath before heading into the backyard.

I made sure to close the gate behind me so that no one would wander into our yard. I grabbed the ladder from the toolshed in the back corner of the yard and leaned it up against the house, just next to my window. After spending forever climbing up the ladder and prying my window open I was finally in my room.

I went about getting ready for bed, making sure to close and lock my bedroom window. I, for one, do not want a drunk hobo climbing up into my room in the middle of the night. Even sining gays need their beauty sleep. After about 10 minutes I finally drifted off to sleep.

"Michael" a faint voice said, I stirred slightly, rolling over and ignoring it, thinking that it was probably my mom making sure I got home alright. "For fucks sake dude, I know you're awake, I do have 'dark powers' you know" this time the voice sounded different, more annoyed, it didn't sound far off or echo-y like it did the first time.

"The fuck" I muttered. I rubbed my eyes trying to help them adjust to the weird red-ish glow that now illuminated my room.
I looked around until my eyes landed on a man, he was standing in the corner of my room looking bored, unamused. I quickly scrambled to the top right corner of my bed and pressed myself into the wall as much as I could.

"Who the fuck are you? Why are you in my house? Why are you in my room?" I quickly asked before pausing. "This is a dream, it-it has to be a dream" I stutter out talking to myself.

"Oh and I'm supposedly 'insane'" he paused scoffing lightly. "Look at you talking to yourself, you know who I am, you know why I'm here" he started as he walked towards me.

"Your grandmother, oh what was her name, grace?, she told you about me every night." I gave a confused look, right now the only thing I can think of is 'what's the closest thing I can use as a weapon'. He rolled his eyes and shook his head a bit.

"They're getting dumber, and dumber every day" he said, mostly to himself. He gave me another glance. He looked me up and down before stopping just at the edge of my bed.

"I'm your worst nightmare kid, and I'm here to make your, well, afterlife, a 'living' hell" he said. He had an amused smile on his face as he watched mine display a look of horror. He started laughing maniacally and in a second we were on top of a hospital.

I screamed at the top of my lungs at the sudden change of scenery. This man, demon, thing, is Antonio perry. I wished I would've listened to my grandma. He rested his hand on the small of my back causing me to jump away from his touch.

"Eager, are we?" He stated, teasingly, with an amused smile plastered on his face. "Kind of ironic, poetic even, don't you think?" He paused for only a second not letting me answer. "You know, leaving the world at the same place you entered it?" He questioned. What a douche, he's going to push me off the top of the building I was born in.

"Oh and don't worry about your family, I left them a little note" I went to yell at him but I couldn't say anything, it was like I lost my voice. That son of a bitch.

"The note reads as follows, ahem, dear respective family I am sorry to announce that I was taken by Antonio perry, grandmother can tell you the story then you will understand everything, sincerely mike." He said. "Hmm...I like it, it's straight  forward, to the point, better than all that 'I love you' and 'I'm sorry it came to this' bullshit" he said. Wow, he really must like the sound of his voice cause he's talking my ear off.

"Anyway see you in hell" he said then roughly pushed me off of the edge. I didn't feel anything I was falling through darkness, and that's where I am now, still falling through the blackness. He managed to identify the few things I'm scared of, complete darkness, and never knowing when the end will come. So just a reminder to all of you kids, don't ever think it's just a story. They aren't just stories, they're reality. They're my reality, and can be yours too if you're not careful.

Watch your backs...

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